releases for Google2025-02-17T13:09:37.059948+00:00python-feedgensandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.0.3sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.0.32017-03-24T20:18:28+00:002017-03-24T20:18:28+00:00sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.0.4sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.0.42017-05-18T13:07:57+00:002017-05-18T13:07:57+00:00sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.0.5sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.0.52017-05-24T13:39:49+00:001.0.5
* Added additional Known SIDs
* Unified the variant Get-NtToken* cmdlets into one.
* Added additional token cmdlets such as Logon and Clipboard.
* Added initial support for IO Completion Ports
* Added object creation time property
* Added support to set a process device map
* Added top level CanSynchronize property to NtObject
* Bugs fixes from Rustam Agametov
* Made process list in token viewer a list rather than a tree and made a separate handle tab.2017-05-24T13:39:49+00:00sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.0.6sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.0.62017-06-06T20:04:20+00:002017-06-06T20:04:20+00:00sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.0.7sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.0.72017-06-14T22:14:18+00:001.0.7
* Added new cmdlets to do access checking. Many of the old standalone utilities are now deprecated.
* Added cmdlets to create lowbox tokens
* Added list of known capability SIDs and resolve them during name lookup
* Added cmdlet to get a SID
* Added cmdlet to do a standalone access checking
* Reworked the APIs to include non-throwing versions of many of the core Open/Create methods.
* Made NtType more inspectable, includes access enumeration and rationalizes the opening methods.
* Various additional properties such as extended process flags, checking for LPAC
* Rework of access mask handling. Now all low-level APIs use an AccessMask structure which has
conversion operators to and from other enumerations.
* Various other bug fixes. 2017-06-14T22:14:18+00:00sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.0.9sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.0.92017-08-19T13:38:50+00:00Release Notes:
* Made New-Win32Process more generic and added support for Win32k filter enable.
* Added function to capture token from a process using impersonation.
* Added basic support for Desktop and WindowStation objects using Win32u.dll exports.
* Added file locking implementation including async.
* Added hardlink enumeration.
* Added NTFS stream enumeration.
* Deprecated most of the old standalone utilities in favour of PS cmdlets.
* Added cmdlets to create a kernel memory dump, system environment and licensing.
* Additional system calls implemented.
* Added access to secure boot policies and code integrity policies.
* Made Win32 Process creation more generic and added cmdlet.
* Added access check by type including SELF SID.2017-08-19T13:38:50+00:00sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.0sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.02017-08-30T11:05:15+00:001.1.0
* Removed check tools, excluding CheckNetworkAccess.
* Added basic Job object cmdlets.
* Added creation of protected processes in Win32Process.
* Added service access checking cmdlet.
* Added get executable manifest cmdlet.2017-08-30T11:05:15+00:00sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.1sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.12017-08-30T12:46:30+00:001.1.1
* Fix to native protected process creation.
* Added functions to create native NT processes.2017-08-30T12:46:30+00:00sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.3sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.32017-11-05T22:59:10+00:002017-11-05T22:59:10+00:00sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.4sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.42017-11-14T16:21:14+00:002017-11-14T16:21:14+00:00sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.5sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.52017-11-24T09:50:56+00:002017-11-24T09:50:56+00:00sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.6sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.62017-12-03T22:06:30+00:002017-12-03T22:06:30+00:00sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.7sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.72018-01-11T14:26:01+00:002018-01-11T14:26:01+00:00sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.8sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.82018-02-06T18:05:55+00:002018-02-06T18:05:55+00:00sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.9sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.92018-02-22T12:36:47+00:002018-02-22T12:36:47+00:00sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.10sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.102018-03-01T12:09:01+00:001.1.10
* Added support for extended handle information to allow for PIDs > 64k.
* Added basic New-NtToken cmdlet and system call.
* Added Resolve-NtObjectAdddress cmdlet to resolve the addresses of a list of objects.
* Added generic object ReOpen method.
* Added vistor method to object directories to enumerate recursively with a callback.
* Added display of process trust labels.2018-03-01T12:09:01+00:00sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.11sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.112018-03-04T19:42:24+00:002018-03-04T19:42:24+00:00sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.12sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.122018-03-19T01:43:32+00:002018-03-19T01:43:32+00:00sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.13sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.132018-04-04T12:18:58+00:002018-04-04T12:18:58+00:00sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.14sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.142018-05-01T22:06:56+00:002018-05-01T22:06:56+00:00sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.15sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.152018-06-19T09:41:13+00:002018-06-19T09:41:13+00:00sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.16sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.162018-08-01T19:47:41+00:002018-08-01T19:47:41+00:00sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.17sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.172018-09-09T17:28:17+00:002018-09-09T17:28:17+00:00sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.18sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.182019-02-04T10:59:39+00:002019-02-04T10:59:39+00:00sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.19sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.192019-02-04T23:09:09+00:00Bug fix release. Don't use v1.1.18.2019-02-04T23:09:09+00:00sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.20sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.202019-03-09T23:58:17+00:00* Added basic ALPC support including cmdlets.
* Added better debug support including cmdlets.
* Display container access rights in SD GUI and also extract SACL if available.
* Added Set/Get-NtProcessMitigation policy to get specific policies.
* Exposed process mitigation policies using flag enums.
* Added Win32.AppContainerProfile to create and delete AC profiles.
* Many new non-throwing methods added to objects.
* Added ReadScatter and WriteGather methods to NtFile.
* Improved formatting of IO Control Codes.
* Added ability to acknowledge oplock breaks.
* Added Wow64 FS redirection support.
* Use proper WIN32 NT status facility for Win32 errors as status codes.
* Added read/write to file from safe buffers.
* Added methods to zero or fill safe buffers using native methods.
* Fix bug with querying BnoIsolationPrefix which next took into account the enable flag correctly.
* Fix from diversenok "Improve detection of restricted tokens (#20)"
* Code cleanups and source code separation.2019-03-09T23:58:17+00:00sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.21sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.212019-04-23T22:11:28+00:001.1.21
* Various updates to the NDR parser, including new types and support for correlation expressions.
* Added complete transaction cmdlets.
* Added extended process creation flags for Win32Process.
* Added Format-NtSecurityDescriptor to display on the console
* Added Copy-NtObject cmdlet.
* Added basic RPC ALPC client support.
* Added option to specify a debug object for a Win32 process.
* Added processor system information.2019-04-23T22:11:28+00:00sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.22sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.222019-04-30T22:17:22+00:001.1.22
* Removed old standalone utilities, everything should be accessible from PowerShell.
* Added Test-NetworkAccess cmdlet to replace CheckNetworkAccess utility.
* Added Set-NtFileHardlink cmdlet.
* Various fixes for RPC client code.2019-04-30T22:17:22+00:00sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.23sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.232019-10-18T14:14:49+00:001.1.23
* Added basic ETW APIs.
* Added new thread properties.
* Added Close-NtObject function.
* Added Get-AccessibleScheduledTask cmdlet.
* Added typing for New-ExecutionAlias and renamed to Set-ExecutionAlias.
* Added Compare-RpcServer.
* Fixed handling of FQBN token security attributes.
* Added option to Format-RpcClient to output to a directory.
* Added Select-RpcServer cmdlet.
* Added RPC ALPC port brute force.2019-10-18T14:14:49+00:00sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.24sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.242019-12-10T03:23:25+00:001.1.24
* Added Add-NtTokenSecurityAttribute and Remove-NtTokenSecurityAttribute cmdlets.
* Added additional properties for running servies.
* Added support for drivers to Get-RunningService and Get-AccesibleService.
* Added fake service NtType objects for services and SCM to allow formatting and the UI.
* Added NtType property to security descriptors.
* Added option to Show-NtToken to elevate to admin.
* Added Suspend, Resume and Stop process commands.
* Added Get-NtEaBuffer and Set-NtEaBuffer commands.
* Added open to Get-NtDebug to get from a process.2019-12-10T03:23:25+00:00sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.25sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.252020-01-02T01:59:01+00:001.1.25
* Added new options to Get-NtSecurityDescriptor.
* Updated accessible resource checking.
* Added Remove-NtTokenPrivilege.
* Added Session option to Get-NtToken.
* Added command line option to Show-NtToken.
* Added information classes for symbolic links.2020-01-02T01:59:01+00:00sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.26sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.262020-01-21T22:02:44+00:001.1.26
* Add DeviceGuid to Get/New-NtFile
* Fixed bug in ETA registrations and added GUID enumeration.
* Added SetExceptionPort to NtProcess.
* Added child process mitigation improvements.
* Added extended Fork.
* Updated native process creation support.
* Various new non-throwing methods.
* Updated to C# 7.3.
* Added list of access rights to NtType.
* Added default mandatory policy to NtType.
* Added SetDisposition methods to NtFile.
* Added console and GUI support for Object ACEs.
* Updated access checking to support Object Types.
* Access check returns a structure rather than just an access mask.
* CPP style NDR formatting (#21)
* Added Get-NtTokenPrivilege command.
* Added Get-NtLocallyUniqueId command.2020-01-21T22:02:44+00:00sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.27sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.272020-02-10T06:17:39+00:001.1.27
* Added support for directory change notifications.
* Added New-NtDesktop, Get-NtDesktop and Get-NtDesktopName.
* Added New-NtWindowStation, Get-NtWindowStation and Get-NtWindowStationName.
* Changed Win32 error codes to an enumeration.
* Added Load/Unload driver.
* Added properties to NtType to show access masks.
* Added basic SendInput method.
* Added token source tab to Token Viewer.
* Updated for the Job object and New-NtJob.
* Added NtWindow class a HWND enumeration.
* Added Get-AccessibleWindowStation command.
* Added some well known WNF names.
* Added option to Get-AccessibleService to check file permissions.
* Added Set-NtProcessJob command.
* Added Get-AccessibleToken command.
* Added support for compound ACEs.
* Added Get/Sid-NtTokenSid and Get/Set-NtTokenGroup.
* Added Get-AccessibleEventTrace command.
* Added Get-AccessibleWnf command.2020-02-10T06:17:39+00:00sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.28sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.282020-06-30T21:08:46+00:001.1.28
* Added Import-Win32Module and Get-Win32Module.
* Added support for Registry Keys in the NtObjectManager provider.
* Added Get-NtDirectoryEntry.
* Added Win32 CreateRemoteThread.
* Added addition Registry Key functions.
* Added Network Authentication commands.
* Added Authentication Token formatting commands.
* Added new filtering features to TokenViewer.
* Improved cmdlets for getting and setting object information classes.
* Added Add-NtSection and Remove-NtSection.
* Added Compare-NtObject.
* Added Test-NtTokenPrivilege.
* Added type parsing from PDBs via SymbolResolver.
* Added a summary format to Format-NtSecurityDescriptor.
* Added Out-HexDump.
* Added C# compiler support for .NET Core Support of Get-RpcClient.
* Updated New-NtSecurityDescriptor and Edit-NtSecurityDescriptor.
* Basic C++ NDR formatting from irsl@.
* Added Format-NtJob.
* Added New-NtSecurityAttribute and Get-NtAceConditionData.
* Added Device/User Claims to Token Viewer and Format-NtToken.
* Added many different commands to manipulate Security Descriptors.
* Added Win32 Security Descriptor commands.
* Added filtering for accessible path commands.
* Added Audit support.
* Added basic AuthZ API support.
* Added basic ASN.1 DER parsing and Format-ASN1DER command.
* Added Kerberos Keytab file reading and writing.2020-06-30T21:08:46+00:00sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.29sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.292020-11-23T06:09:41+00:001.1.29
* Added Get-NtProcessUser.
* Added Get-NtProcessEnvironment.
* Added global option for New-NtSymbolicLink.
* Added Split-Win32CommandLine.
* Added send and post methods to NtMessage.
* Added AsObject parameter for Get-NtObjectInformation.
* Added NtMailslotFile and fixed mailslot creation.
* Added Get-NtKeySymbolicLinkTarget.
* Added support for a FollowLink switch which will allow accessible cmdlets to follow symbolic links. Feature request #29.
* Separated forms code from the main assembly.
* Added setting service security and Get/Set-Win32ServiceSecurityDescriptor.
* Added Win32 debug console class and Start/New/Read-Win32DebugConsole.
* Added Test-NtTokenCapability.
* Added New-Win32Service and Remove-Win32Service.
* Reimplemented SidName to allow access to the Domain component.
* Added section characteristics check when parsing RPC servers. Fix for issue #27.
* Added an SDKName attribute to access rights.
* Added Add-NtAccountRight and Remove-NtAccountRight.
* Added basic VBS enclave support.
* Added support to parse ELAM information from a binary.
* Added Get-NtSigningLevel and Get-X509Certificate.
* Added Compare-NtSigningLevel.
* Added silo impersonation commands.
* Added option to impersonation System when creating a token or with Invoke-NtToken.
* Added proper enumeration of AppContainer profiles and support creating with capabilities.
* Added Get-AppModelApplicationPolicy.
* Added Get-NtThreadContext and Set-NtThreadContext.
* Added support for calling CreateProcessWithLogon via Win32Process.
* Added Start-AppModelApplication.
* Added Add-NtThreadApc.
* Fixed path handling in Get-Win32SecurityDescriptor.
* Added Get-NtFileFinalPath command.
* Reworked handling of lease oplocks.
* Added basic USN journal support.
* Added Get-NtFileStream.
* Added Get-NtMountPoint command.
* Added basic async support and the Wait-AsyncTaskResult command.
* Added Send-NtFileControl command.
* Added Get-NtFileVolumeInformation and Set-NtFileVolumeInformation.
* Added Get-NtFileItem command.
* Added support for querying device nodes, setup class and interface classes.
* Added Get-NtFileSharingProcess.
* IPeb: Added GetBeingDebugged() (#26)
* Added support for enumerating filter drivers and connecting to ports.
* Added New-NtKeySymbolicLink and Set-NtKeySymbolicLinkTarget.
* Added a Get-NtKeyHive command.2020-11-23T06:09:41+00:00sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.30sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.302021-01-15T16:19:49+00:001.1.30
* Fixed issue when displaying only a SACL with Format-NtSecurityDescriptor.
* Added basic named pipe support for RPC clients.
* Fixed issue enumerating per-user audit rules.
* Added view accessor for safe buffers.
* Improved debug tracing for RPC clients.
* Improved handling of paths with local files commands.
* Fixed path issue with Set-Win32SecurityDescriptor.
* Added querying trace providers from the WMI security key.2021-01-15T16:19:49+00:00sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.31sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.312021-03-16T05:26:01+00:001.1.31
* Added signing and encryption to SSPI.
* Added Get-LsaContextSignature and Test-LsaContextSignature.
* Added Protect-LsaContextMessage and Unprotect-LsaContextMessage
* Named auth commands to Lsa.
* Added TCP/IP RPC transport and add signing/encryption.
* Added Disconnect-RpcClient.
* Added server information for local RPC connection.
* Added Enable-NtTokenPrivilege and Disable-NtTokenPrivilege.
* Added native ARM/ARM64 support.
* Added Get-Win32ServiceConfig and Set-Win32ServiceConfig.
* Fixed bug in ACL canonicalization.
* Added support for SDK names of enumerations/structures.
* Added Get-NtSDKName.
* Added support for Win32 WriteProcessMemory.
* Added Get-Win32ServiceTrigger and support for triggers in Start-Win32Service.
* Added Set-Win32ServiceSecurityDescriptor.
* Fixed INdrStructure unmarshaling #352021-03-16T05:26:01+00:00sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.32sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.322021-08-18T04:00:09+00:002021-08-18T04:00:09+00:00sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v.1.1.33sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v.1.1.332022-01-22T23:42:01+00:001.1.33
* Various bug fixes.
* Added RPC pipe support.2022-01-22T23:42:01+00:00minions v0.1.0minions v0.1.02018-08-12T07:49:39+00:00This is the first alpha release of Minions. It is meant to run only locally, though it's already using RPCs everywhere.
**To try it out:**
* run the execute_local bash script, which will start the scanning infrastructure
* run the local goblin, which will fee files from the local machine to the scanner
**This release contains:**
* A full implementation of the system that can run on a single box.
* Minions (scanners) to test for vulnerable installed software, insecure Linux password practices, tomcat and redis configs.
2018-08-12T07:49:39+00:00vulncode-db v1.0vulncode-db v1.02021-04-21T11:15:41+00:00# Opening registration and allowing proposals
## What's new?
You can now:
- Register/login with your Google or GitHub account.
- Propose changes for vulnerability metadata such as titles, description, affected software and link to the relevant patch.
- Join our new [Slack channel]( for questions or feature requests.
All changes are live at **** for testing.
## What's next?
- Adding vulnerable code annotation support to proposals.
- Allowing moderators to review proposals.2021-04-21T11:15:41+00:00grr v0.3.0-6grr v0.3.0-62015-04-17T13:42:45+00:00Hello everyone,
I just updated the GRR downloads, we are releasing the GRR server
0.3.0-6 today!
Some of the features in this release (there are many small ones that
we can't list here):
The Rekall integration has been improved a lot since the last release,
live memory analysis should be a lot more stable now. Also GRR now
uses Rekall version 1.3.1 which means many new plugins and improved
analysis methods.
The have been lots of UI changes:
- Most of the UI is now written in AngularJS giving us better
- We have improved hunt logging which helps when you run hunts on
thousands on clients.
- Clients can be labeled in the UI so you can easily hunt on a subset
of machines.
- We improved the client performance indicators so you can better
assess the impact of the GRR clients on the machines they are
installed on.
- We also added some server performance monitoring.
- The UI now also provides an HTTP Api to directly query GRR data.
This release also comes with new datastores. The SqliteDataStore is a
fast, local data store that is very easy to use. It's a good choice
for quickly setting up an instance and it's the fastest data store we
have but it limits your GRR server to use only a single machine since
it stores files locally.
Also new are two highly scalable data stores, the
MySQLAdvancedDataStore and the HTTPDataStore. Both those backends are
aimed at hosting rather big GRR instances and should scale well up to
thousands of clients.
There have also been tons of small improvements and bug fixes so we'd
highly recommend upgrading to the new server. There are some minor
backwards compatibility issues, please have a look at
before upgrading.
As always, the best way to install / upgrade is to use the install
script as described in
2015-04-17T13:42:45+00:00grr v3.1.0rc1grr v3.1.0rc12016-04-06T18:33:39+00:00This is the 3.1.0 release candidate. It's a release candidate because we still have some work to do building a debian package and updating install scripts to use the new build system.
See the [release notes]( for important information about this release.
New in this release:
- Components: easier client customization
- Build system: pip install grr-{server|client}
- Rekall: faster acquisition, more linux profiles
- Approval ACLs: require different approvals based on client labels
- Powerful API: automatic collection and export
- Bigquery output plugin: fast analysis at scale
- Lots of bugfixes and perf improvements
- Hunt UI: OR conditionals
- Tons more forensic artifacts
2016-04-06T18:33:39+00:00grr 3.1.0rc2grr 3.1.0rc22016-04-15T03:52:18+00:00This is the second release candidate for 3.1.0. There's a bunch of great stuff in here, I talked about most of it in the meetup:
But there's even more since then:
- Ability to create a hunt from a flow: test on your machine first, then run it on the fleet.
- Chrome desktop notifications.
- Download individual files from a hunt.
I've also written some instructions for using pip:
which is particularly handy for dev. Setting up client and server dev environments is very fast, and you can develop client _or_ server code on Windows and Mac as well as Linux. Note that linux is still the only supported server platform for production.
A deb is available here:
We're aware of a few issues that need fixing before we remove the release candidate status, specifically:
- Download of very large hunt results ties up the admin ui process
- Some memory collection flows that have been obsoleted by rekall need to be removed
- Travis, docker, and the easy install script need to be updated
Once those are done we'll make a final release.
2016-04-15T03:52:18+00:00grr v3.1.0.2grr v3.1.0.22016-06-17T19:54:28+00:00There are significant changes in this release. Be sure to read [the release notes]( carefully before attempting an upgrade.
New in this release:
- Powerful API: Anything you can do in the UI you can do with the HTTP API. This enables powerful automatic collection and export possibilities.
- Chrome desktop notifications. Click a notification to go straight to an
approval or flow results.
- UI refresh: Complete rewrite under-the-hood to AngularJS. Host information view is much more usable and you can see basic machine information without requiring an approval. Recent activity view is the default landing page.
- Hunt UI: OR conditionals. Now you can target a hunt much more precisely and cut down on situations where you previously had to run multiple hunts.
- Ability to create a hunt from a flow: test on your machine first, then run it on the fleet
- Client components: easier client customization and updating without pushing a a whole new client, currently used by rekall and chipsec.
- Download individual files from a hunt
- Build system using pip. Much simpler to set up for development or try out new releases, see [the install
- Rekall: faster acquisition, more linux profiles
- Approval ACLs: require different approvals based on client labels
- Bigquery output plugin: fast analysis at scale
- Lots of bugfixes and perf improvements
- Tons more forensic artifacts
2016-06-17T19:54:28+00:00grr v3.2.0rc0grr v3.2.0rc02017-08-22T11:58:58+00:00This is the first 3.2.0 release candidate. [Release notes](
The server deb, which includes client templates, can be downloaded from [here](
2017-08-22T11:58:58+00:00grr v3.2.0.1grr v3.2.0.12017-09-05T15:12:52+00:00Download the server deb from [here](
Please read the [release notes]( before upgrading.
A number of features, bugfixes and improvements have been added since the last release. You can find more details in the release notes. Also note that components are now deprecated, and Rekall has been disabled by default.2017-09-05T15:12:52+00:00grr v3.2.1.1grr v3.2.1.12017-12-06T14:52:33+00:00Download the server deb from [here](
See [release notes](
2017-12-06T14:52:33+00:00grr v3.2.2.0grr v3.2.2.02018-03-12T09:59:18+00:00Download the server deb from [here](
See [release notes](
2018-03-12T09:59:18+00:00grr v3.2.3.0grr v3.2.3.02018-06-25T12:48:56+00:00Download the server deb from [here](
See [release notes](
2018-06-25T12:48:56+00:00grr v3.2.3.2grr v3.2.3.22018-06-28T11:04:46+00:00This is an off-schedule release with a fix for a client-repacking bug introduced in v3.2.3.0.
Download the server deb from [here](
See [release notes](
2018-06-28T11:04:46+00:00grr v3.2.4.5grr v3.2.4.52018-12-17T17:52:57+00:00Download the server deb from [here](
See [release notes]( v3.2.4.6grr v3.2.4.62018-12-20T22:57:15+00:00This is an off-schedule release with some fixes for bugs introduced in the previous one.
Download the server deb from [here](
See [release notes]( for details.2018-12-20T22:57:15+00:00grr v3.3.0.0grr v3.3.0.02019-05-22T17:53:36+00:00Download the server deb from [here](
See [release notes](
2019-05-22T17:53:36+00:00grr v3.3.0.2grr v3.3.0.22019-06-28T14:26:01+00:00Download the server deb from [here](
See [release notes]( v3.3.0.3grr v3.3.0.32019-07-01T15:21:43+00:00Download the server deb from [here](
This is a minor bugfix release. See [release notes]( v3.3.0.4grr v3.3.0.42019-07-03T13:41:09+00:00Download the server deb from [here](
This is a minor bugfix release. See [release notes]( v3.3.0.8grr v3.3.0.82019-10-09T18:27:18+00:00**NOTE: This is the last Python 2-based release: further releases are expected to be Python 3-only.**
Download the server deb from [here](
This is a minor bugfix release. Please see [release notes]( v3.4.0.1grr v3.4.0.12019-12-18T19:52:36+00:00**First fully Python 3-based release.**
Download the server deb from [here](
Please see [release notes]( v3.4.2.0-releasegrr v3.4.2.0-release2020-07-07T12:58:30+00:00Quarterly release for Q2 2020.
Download the server deb from [here](
Please see the [release notes]( v3.4.2.3-releasegrr v3.4.2.3-release2020-10-05T10:46:27+00:00Quarterly release for Q3 2020.
Download the server deb for Ubuntu 18.04 from [here](
Please see the [release notes]( v3.4.2.4-releasegrr v3.4.2.4-release2020-10-15T09:41:45+00:00Minor bug-fix release on top of v3.4.2.3.
Download the server deb for Ubuntu 18.04 from [here](
Please see the [release notes]( v3.4.3.1-releasegrr v3.4.3.1-release2021-05-19T21:01:59+00:00Regular release for Q2 2021.
Download the server deb for Ubuntu 18.04 from [here](
Please see the [release notes]( v3.4.5.1-releasegrr v3.4.5.1-release2021-08-23T09:37:22+00:00Mid-quarter release for Q3 2021.
Download the server deb for Ubuntu 18.04 from [here](
Please see the [release notes]( v3.4.6.0-releasegrr v3.4.6.0-release2022-05-30T09:19:42+00:00Regular release for Q2 2022.
Download the server deb for Ubuntu 18.04 from [here](
Please see the [release notes]( v3.4.6.7-releasegrr v3.4.6.7-release2023-03-22T22:25:00+00:00Updates:
- Server DEB package now targets Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.
- Agents are now Python 3.9-based (server deb package is Python 3.10-based).
- MySQL-based datastore performance considerably improved.
- UIv2 supports majority of flows and hunts.
- Third-party dependencies updated.
- A lot of minor bugfixes and improvements.
2023-03-22T22:25:00+00:00grr v3.4.7.1-releasegrr v3.4.7.1-release2023-10-25T21:46:43+00:00Note: this is the **last release** containing the following features:
* **Artifact parsers**. ArtifactCollector flow supports parsing collected files and output of executed commands. Its parsers are not properly maintained, are often outdated and fragile. We're going to convert selected parsers into standalone flows and remove the artifact parsing subsystem: the ArtifactCollector will always work as if "apply_parsers" arguments attribute is set to False. Afterwards the "apply_parsers" attribute will be deprecated completely. We will provide documentation on integrating GRR and ArtifactCollector with well-maintained parsing frameworks like [Plaso](
* **Built-in cron jobs**. Built-in cron jobs are primarily used for periodic hunts. We will provide documentation on how to easily replicate the current functionality using external scheduling systems (like Linux cron, for example).
If your workflow depends on GRR built in cron jobs and you anticipate problems when migrating it to external schedulers, please reach out to us via email or GitHub.
* **GRR server Debian package**. We will stop providing the GRR server Debian package as the main way of distributing GRR server and client binaries. Instead we will make GRR Docker image a preferred way for running GRR in a demo or production environment.
If your workflow depends on any of the above, please feel free reach out to us via [grr-users](!forum/grr-users) Google Group or [GitHub](
### Added
* Created a flow for collecting an identifier of the CrowdStrike agent.
* Podman-based zero-setup development environment.
* Added StatMultipleFiles and HashMultipleFiles flows to be used in UIv2.
### Changed
* Renamed AdminUI.new_hunt_wizard.default_output_plugin to AdminUI.new_hunt_wizard.default_output_plugins (note the "s" in the end). The new option accepts a comma-separated list of names.
* Newly interrogated clients now pick up active hunts automatically.
* Hunts workflow is now available in the new UI: creating hunts from a flow, duplicating existing hunts, monitoring hunt progress and inspecting results.
### Removed
* Fully removed deprecated use_tsk flag.
* Removed deprecated plugin_args field from OutputPluginDescriptor.
* Removed deprecated flows: FingerprintFile, KeepAlive, FingerprintFile, FindFiles, SendFile, Uninstall, UpdateClient, CollectEfiHashes, DumpEfiImage.
* Deprecated GetFile flow in favor of MultiGetFile.
* Made FileFinder an alias to ClientFileFinder, using ClientFileFinder by default everywhere. Legacy FileFinder is still available as LegacyFileFinder. Fixed several inconsistencies in ClientFileFinder client action. Same for RegistryFinder.
* Removed deprecated client actions: EficheckCollectHashes, EficheckDumpImage, Uninstall, SendFile.
* Removed "Checks" functionality.
### API removed
* Deprecated no-op "keep_client_alive" attribute in ApiCreateClientApprovalArgs.
* Deprecated ListClientActionRequests API call (was no-op after Fleetspeak migration).
2023-10-25T21:46:43+00:00osv v0.0.5osv v0.0.52021-09-08T03:15:43+00:00First PyPI release. 2021-09-08T03:15:43+00:00osv v0.0.6osv v0.0.62021-11-08T00:52:37+00:00- Add Maven version expansion support. 2021-11-08T00:52:37+00:00osv v0.0.7osv v0.0.72021-11-22T06:20:35+00:00- Various bug fixes.2021-11-22T06:20:35+00:00osv v0.0.8osv v0.0.82021-11-29T03:30:16+00:00- Add support for `Ecosystem.next_version`2021-11-29T03:30:16+00:00osv v0.0.9osv v0.0.92021-11-29T04:18:02+00:002021-11-29T04:18:02+00:00osv v0.0.10osv v0.0.102022-01-11T02:18:59+00:00- Fix a version enumeration issue.2022-01-11T02:18:59+00:00osv v0.0.11osv v0.0.112022-02-15T00:03:22+00:00- NuGet and RubyGems version expansion support2022-02-15T00:03:22+00:00osv v0.0.12osv v0.0.122022-02-15T00:25:39+00:00- Fix an import issue.2022-02-15T00:25:39+00:00osv v0.0.13osv v0.0.132022-02-15T06:12:46+00:00- Update NuGet API endpoint to fix outdated version expansion.2022-02-15T06:12:46+00:00osv v0.0.14osv v0.0.142022-04-06T03:09:00+00:002022-04-06T03:09:00+00:00osv v0.0.17osv v0.0.172023-02-22T03:57:40+00:00PyPI package upgrade. 2023-02-22T03:57:40+00:00osv v0.0.18osv v0.0.182023-02-23T01:45:43+00:002023-02-23T01:45:43+00:00timesketch v1.0.0timesketch v1.0.02014-03-23T04:52:42+00:00First "real-world" release of an anonymous and decentralized instant messaging client for Tor.
See the [README]( for more information.
`torsion-1.0.0+git10-debian-static.tar.bz2` is an experimental statically linked build for Debian 7 (Wheezy).
2014-03-23T04:52:42+00:00timesketch v1.0.1timesketch v1.0.12014-04-14T01:30:21+00:00Torsion will [be renamed]( in the next release; suggestions are welcome. Contact addresses and configuration will remain compatible.
Thanks to Antaon, HostFat, GIANNAT, and Anton for their contributions to this release, and to many others for [reporting issues]( and sharing their thoughts.
#### Security
- Updated to OpenSSL 1.0.1g for Windows and Linux static builds
#### Features
- Added Italian translation, contributed by HostFat and GIANNAT via [Transifex](
- Added static Linux build, which can run without dependencies on most distributions
- URLs in chat are highlighted and can be copied or opened in the default browser (with a warning)
- Polished add contact UI to make usage clearer and explain validation problems
#### Fixes
- Fixed display of hidden service state in Tor preferences
- Fixed rendering issues with message text on some platforms
- Fixed crash when pressing 'Remove' in contact preferences with nothing selected
- Fixed compatibility with older versions of OS X
- Improved debugging when bundled Tor fails to start
Windows: `Torsion.exe` - OS X: `Torsion.dmg` - Linux (static): `torsion-1.0.1-static.tar.bz2`
2014-04-14T01:30:21+00:00timesketch v1.0.2timesketch v1.0.22014-07-06T15:32:25+00:00Formerly known as Torsion, now Ricochet. Along with changing the name, this release includes mostly minor fixes and packaging improvements. More substantial changes will be coming soon.
Existing configurations should continue to work after upgrading, including connections to contacts. If installing to a new directory, copy the `config` or `config.torsion` folder to keep your identity and contacts.
Thanks to @obvio171 for the Ricochet name, strel for Spanish translations, and many others for [name suggestions](, bug reports, and their thoughts.
Downloads and signatures are available from
#### Features
- Renamed to Ricochet. Contact addresses now begin with `ricochet:`
- Added Spanish translation, contributed by strel via [Transifex](
#### Fixes
- Fix some characters like " being displayed incorrectly in chat messages (#36)
- OS X now supports automatic GPU switching
#### Packaging
- Added 32-bit static Linux binaries (#41)
- Added 32-bit Windows binaries (#44)
- Updated Tor to
- Updated OpenSSL to 1.0.1h
- Updated Qt to 5.3.1
2014-07-06T15:32:25+00:00timesketch v1.0.3timesketch v1.0.32014-07-30T17:15:52+00:00The Tor Project released today a [security announcement]( regarding an anonymity attack carried out on users of hidden services, presumably by the authors of a withdrawn research talk.
I've written an explanation of [what this means]( for users of Ricochet and similar programs, and the steps we'll be taking in the future to mitigate similar problems. This release includes a new version of Tor, which will help reduce the impact of these attacks in the future.
This release also moves configuration to a more flexible and reliable system (existing configuration is migrated automatically), adds a "single window" mode that combines the contact list and chat windows, includes new translations, and more.
Downloads and PGP signatures are also available from
#### Security
- Updated tor to
#### Features
- Migrated configuration to a more useful and robust system (#21)
- OS X bundles are now signed to remove Gatekeeper warnings
- Added optional 'single window' mode (#19)
- Added options to skip the "Open Browser" security nagging dialog
- The contact list shows the number of unread messages
- Added Danish translation by Mikkel Kroman
- Added Portuguese (Brazil) translation by swperman
#### Fixes
- Fixed Windows installer on 32bit systems (also in
- Fixed loading old platform-location configuration files (1.0.2 regression)
2014-07-30T17:15:52+00:00timesketch v1.0.4timesketch v1.0.42014-09-02T03:30:28+00:00This is a bugfix-only release for a handful of annoying or common problems, while work continues on protocol and design improvements. The next two months will be exciting: we're moving towards improved security, several much-needed features, and better support behind the project.
Thanks as always to everyone reporting bugs, making suggestions, [contributing translations](, and spreading the word about Ricochet.
Downloads and PGP signatures are available from
#### Fixes
- Fixed a bug which caused the chat window to move erratically in some cases when receiving messages or scrolling (#76)
- Fixed "Configuration is already in use" errors appearing on startup after unexpected system reboots (#73)
- Improved documentation on [building from source]( (#56, #57)
- Fixed Tor errors after moving Ricochet configuration between folders or computers (#59)
- Improved text input focus in "single window" mode
#### Other
- Updated Spanish translation from strel
- Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation from swperman
- Updated Danish translation from @mkroman
- Updated OpenSSL to 1.0.1i
2014-09-02T03:30:28+00:00timesketch v1.1.0timesketch v1.1.02015-04-11T00:06:08+00:00This major release switches to a safer and more extensible protocol, adds a brand new icon and 11 new language translations, and includes many UI fixes as well as **security updates** for Tor and OpenSSL.
- [Windows](
- [Mac OS X](
- [Linux 32-bit](
- [Linux 64-bit](
Other downloads and PGP signatures are available at As always, you can share any bugs, ideas, and thoughts through GitHub or [privately](
### Important note about old versions
This version is not "backwards compatible" with contacts that run Ricochet 1.0.4 or older. **Your contacts must also update** in order to chat again. You will keep your existing address and contacts.
To get everyone updated quickly, people running an older version will see an [automatic message]( one time from their updated contacts. We intend to keep compatibility in the future, and to not need to resort to this method again.
### Security fixes
This release fixes two issues in Tor, which allow an attacker to crash the tor client and force Ricochet offline. There is no possibility of exploitation or code execution through these bugs.
### Thanks
[Blueprint for Free Speech]( generously sponsored the protocol changes, and is doing fantastic work for freedom of expression and whistleblowers.
This update was possible thanks to help and contributions from:
Robin Burchell, Patrick Gray, Suelette Dreyfus, Lawrence Eastland, HD Moore, The Grugq, Kevin Littlejohn, Jan Noertemann, Gabe Edwards, ivopetkovcz, Einfach, Mikkel Kroman, mijnheer, Meternalf, reviewjolla, rike, Creaprog, CrumpyGat, Jordi, franck99, Daniel James Smith, esqfax, swperman, vla8752, qualte, strel, rawtaz, taskmaster, cbolat, basarancaner, l3rixon, nergal, weedpatch2, yawnbox, and other anonymous contributors.
### Changes
- Implement a [new protocol](, intended to improve safety and extensibility
- Brand new application icon (#11), contributed by Lawrence Eastland
- Add Bulgarian, Czech, German, Finnish, Tagalog, French, Dutch, Russian, Swedish, Turkish, and Ukranian translations
- Show a timestamp in chat when more than an hour has passed since the last message. Patch from Jan Noertemann and Robin Burchell
- Improve contact preferences UI design and behavior (#18)
- Refresh contact list UI design
- Make sure chat windows are always opened fully on screen (#85). Patch from Jan Noertemann.
- Fix windows not always flashing for new messages on Windows (#114). Patch from Jan Noertemann.
- Fix network setup getting stuck when tor fails to launch
- Correctly display newlines in chat messages (regression from 1.0.1)
- Remove the unnecessary hidden service self-test at startup (#26)
- Windows builds now use MinGW for better automation and compatibility
- Update to Qt 5.4.1, OpenSSL 1.0.1m, and Tor
2015-04-11T00:06:08+00:00timesketch 2015.7timesketch 2015.72015-07-23T12:36:09+00:00Version 2015.7 of Timesketch
2015-07-23T12:36:09+00:00timesketch v1.1.1timesketch v1.1.12015-09-09T23:10:12+00:00Ricochet 1.1.1 comes with fixes for a variety of bugs, software updates, and several minor new features.
- [Windows](
- [Mac OS X](
- [Linux 32-bit](
- [Linux 64-bit](
Other downloads and PGP signatures are available at As always, you can share any bugs, ideas, and thoughts through GitHub or [privately](
### Changes
#### UI
- Optionally play sounds when messages are received or contacts come online (#37, by qsodev)
- Language can now be changed in preferences (#172, patch by qsodev)
- Add Polish translation (by Kacper Kołodziej)
- Use a custom scrollbar to avoid buggy scrolling behavior
- Show the number of unread messages in the dock on OS X
- Improve UI icon quality
- Avoid bouncing the OS X dock icon indefinitely
- Fix clipboard behavior in some X11 environments
- Update to Qt 5.5.0, including fixes for a variety of text display issues
- Translation updates and fixes for many languages
#### Core
- Use compiler hardening flags when available (by Isis Lovecruft)
- Add experimental apparmor and minijail sandboxing policies (by Jacob Appelbaum)
- Accept public keys generated by vanity address tools (#186, by Gabe Edwards)
- Fix a case where contacts would be stuck in the 'Rejected' category until manually removed
- Treat all random number generator failures as fatal (#164, #89, reported by mik235)
- Update Tor to, including a fix for a hidden service reliability issue
- Update OpenSSL to 1.0.1p
### Thanks
This release is made possible by contributions from:
Adeor, Gabe Edwards, I3rixon, Isis Lovecruft, Jacob Appelbaum, John Brooks, Jordi, Kacper Kołodziej, Michael Samuel, Millak, Peter Ludikovsky, Robin Burchell, Roger Dingledine, Sarah Jamie Lewis, ShionRyuu, corvinux, gus, ivopetkov, mijnheer, mik235, mkn, participante0, qsodev, rawtaz, reviewjolla, strel, tknv, and many others.
2015-09-09T23:10:12+00:00timesketch 2015.7.1timesketch 2015.7.12015-09-24T11:23:54+00:00Maintainance release that fixes 2 bugs:
- Breaking change in flask-login package
BREAKING: The `is_authenticated`, `is_active`, and `is_anonymous` members of
the user class are now properties, not methods.
- Plaso task worker did not set data location. Added this so that message strings support in Plaso is enabled.
2015-09-24T11:23:54+00:00timesketch 2015.7.2timesketch 2015.7.22015-10-07T14:30:51+00:00Maintainance release that fixes 1 more bug related to flask-login:
Breaking change in flask-login package
The is_authenticated, is_active, and is_anonymous members of
the user class are now properties, not methods.
2015-10-07T14:30:51+00:00timesketch 2015.7.3timesketch 2015.7.32015-10-07T20:33:35+00:00Maintainance release.
Regression fix for flask-login bugfix.
2015-10-07T20:33:35+00:00timesketch 2015.12timesketch 2015.122015-12-23T13:08:32+00:00Version 2015.12 of Timesketch
2015-12-23T13:08:32+00:00timesketch v1.1.2timesketch v1.1.22016-02-15T22:13:18+00:00Ricochet 1.1.2 fixes a vulnerability which could lead to user-assisted network deanonymization, improves contact connection reliability, and fixes a common stability issue.
We're also proud to [release the results]( of an audit by NCC Group through the Open Technology Fund. The report validates Ricochet's security and provides a great outline of areas to improve in the near future.
### Downloads
- [Windows]( - [(pgp)](
- [Mac OS X]( - [(pgp)](
- [Linux 32-bit]( - [(pgp)](
- [Linux 64-bit]( - [(pgp)](
- [Source]( - [(pgp)](
### Security fixes
By sending a nickname with some HTML tags in a contact request, an attacker could cause Ricochet to make network requests without Tor after the request is accepted, which would reveal the user's IP address. The malicious nickname is clearly displayed, and no network activity takes place unless the request is accepted. We've addressed this vulnerability by sanitizing nicknames in all cases before display, rejecting contact requests with suspicious nicknames, and blocking any network requests at that layer.
Thanks to the incredible Sarah Jamie Lewis (@s-rah) for originally discovering this issue.
### Changes
- Block all network requests to guard against potential deanonymization issues (#303)
- Reject contact requests with nicknames containing suspicious characters
- Sanitize nicknames before use in UI labels
- Fix a common crash when restarting an outbound connection attempt
- Fix a bug which caused connection attempts to contacts to stall until restarted (#295)
- Added translations for Hebrew, Slovenian, and Chinese
- Updated translations
- Updated to Qt 5.5.1, OpenSSL 1.0.1r, and Tor
- OS X builds now use AddressSanitizer for hardening
### Thanks
This release is made possible by contributions from:
Billy Burrows, John Brooks, Robin Burchell, Jeff Burdges, Colin Childs, Gabe Edwards, Patrick Gray, Kacper Kołodziej, Sarah Jamie Lewis, all of our [translators](, NCC Group and the Open Tech Fund, and many others.
2016-02-15T22:13:18+00:00timesketch 2016.7timesketch 2016.72016-07-22T08:48:28+00:00Version 2016.7 of Timesketch
2016-07-22T08:48:28+00:00timesketch v1.1.4timesketch v1.1.42016-11-07T21:27:20+00:00Ricochet 1.1.4 fixes some common bugs and usability issues, updates Tor and other important dependencies, contains new and updated translations, and has other minor fixes. All users should update.
You didn't miss 1.1.3 -- it was used to solve a packaging problem, but wasn't ready for a full release. The changelog below includes all changes since version 1.1.2.
I apologize that this isn't the exciting-new-features release we've all been waiting for. Ricochet's development is volunteer-based, and in particular I haven't been able to dedicate as much energy to it as I've wanted to. There's a lot of interest and activity happening right now, and I think there will be some more interesting progress soon.
### Downloads
- [Windows]( - [(pgp)](
- [macOS]( - [(pgp)](
- [Linux 32-bit]( - [(pgp)](
- [Linux 64-bit]( - [(pgp)](
- [Source]( - [(pgp)](
### Changes
- Added translations for Albanian, Chinese (Hong Kong), Estonian, Italian (Italy), Norwegian Bokmål, and Portuguese (Portugal)
- Updated translations for Danish, German, Russian, Czech, and Turkish
- Use a software-only render to hopefully fix graphical and text issues (#367)
- Also resolves #365, #358, #348, #375, #331, #389, #411, #454, #409, #442, #445, #447
- Fix parsing of links containing certain sequences (#403, #372, no security impact)
- Fix 'dead keys' and other compose/ibus input methods with Linux binaries (#60)
- Fix Tor configuration with HTTP proxies (#418)
- Fix copying links with right click (#429)
- Use combined chat window by default (#355)
- Use an external tor instance when `TOR_CONTROL_{HOST,PORT,PASSWD}` is set
- Fix visual bugs with window resizing during network setup
- Properly display the "X is already your contact" error (#439)
- Revise language selection UI to fit all of our languages (#473)
- Store identity keys in ricochet.json when Tor is new enough (#227)
- Disable ASAN by default for release builds (#341)
- Attempt to disable use of RWX memory for improved security
- Display configuration parsing errors correctly
- Add support for OpenSSL 1.1 (#444)
- Updated builds with Qt 5.6.2, OpenSSL 1.0.2j, and Tor
- Windows builds can now be [cross-compiled]( with MinGW
- Re-issued macOS build as to fix #480 (thanks @taoeffect!)
### Thanks
This release is possible thanks to contributions from:
Adalid Claure, basil sabee, Besnik, botherder, bungabunga, Chi-Hsun Tsai, Clon, git_in_my_anus, Grant Jacobson, Greg Slepak, HostFat, icesquare, Jacob Appelbaum, Joe Gallo, Jesper Hess Nielsen, Matt Traudt, Miguel de Moura, Mingye Wang, nomeutente, Per Peterson, Robin Burchell, Sam Schlinkert, Sascha Steinbiss, TolgaAydin, tran161, vaba, Ximin Luo, Zero King, anyone we forgot to mention, and everyone who reports bugs or supports the project.
2016-11-07T21:27:20+00:00timesketch 20170721timesketch 201707212017-07-21T15:15:56+00:00Version 20170721 of Timesketch2017-07-21T15:15:56+00:00timesketch 20180612timesketch 201806122018-06-12T06:29:42+00:00Version 20180612 of Timesketch2018-06-12T06:29:42+00:00timesketch 20180613timesketch 201806132018-06-13T07:51:38+00:00Timesketch release 201806132018-06-13T07:51:38+00:00timesketch 20181116timesketch 201811162018-11-16T08:58:07+00:00Timesketch release 201811162018-11-16T08:58:07+00:00timesketch 20190207timesketch 201902072019-02-07T15:57:48+00:00New release with updated analyzers, py3 support and bugfixes.2019-02-07T15:57:48+00:00timesketch 20191220timesketch 201912202019-12-20T10:14:05+00:00New UI, more analyzers and an updated API client2019-12-20T10:14:05+00:00timesketch 20200131timesketch 202001312020-01-31T14:15:58+00:00Release 202001312020-01-31T14:15:58+00:00timesketch 20200226timesketch 202002262020-02-26T09:58:47+00:00Release 202002262020-02-26T09:58:47+00:00timesketch 20200227timesketch 202002272020-02-27T07:35:03+00:00Release 202002272020-02-27T07:35:03+00:00timesketch 20200310timesketch 202003102020-03-10T10:55:47+00:00Release 202003102020-03-10T10:55:47+00:00timesketch 20200319timesketch 202003192020-03-19T13:28:38+00:00Release 202003192020-03-19T13:28:38+00:00timesketch 20200422timesketch 202004222020-04-22T11:11:42+00:00Release 202004222020-04-22T11:11:42+00:00timesketch 20200507timesketch 202005072020-05-07T13:48:50+00:00Release 202005072020-05-07T13:48:50+00:00timesketch testtimesketch test2020-05-15T14:29:19+00:00test2020-05-15T14:29:19+00:00timesketch 20200710-pretimesketch 20200710-pre2020-07-10T15:19:00+00:0020200710 pre release for deployment testing purposes2020-07-10T15:19:00+00:00timesketch 20201015-pretimesketch 20201015-pre2020-10-15T07:52:19+00:0020201015 pre release2020-10-15T07:52:19+00:00timesketch 20201120timesketch 202011202020-11-20T11:13:39+00:00Pre release to test packaging before stable release.2020-11-20T11:13:39+00:00timesketch 20201229timesketch 202012292020-12-29T22:42:51+00:00Pre-release 202012292020-12-29T22:42:51+00:00timesketch 20210224timesketch 202102242021-02-24T16:21:21+00:00Pre-release for 202102242021-02-24T16:21:21+00:00timesketch 20230518timesketch 202305182023-05-18T11:58:15+00:00Timesketch release 202305182023-05-18T11:58:15+00:00timesketch 20230526timesketch 202305262023-05-26T09:20:15+00:00Version 202305262023-05-26T09:20:15+00:00timesketch 20230628timesketch 202306282023-06-28T13:08:01+00:00## What's Changed
* Update changelog by @berggren in
* Scenarios model refactor by @berggren in
* Ssh bruteforce analyzer by @roshanmaskey in
* Add missing dependency for e2e container by @berggren in
* 🐛 Handle None response from ip2geo by @pemontto in
* Fix #2784 - pandas.read_csv arguments by @jkppr in
* Add tzdata to all container builds by @berggren in
* Fix for #2738 - Analyzer not in AnalyzerList by @jkppr in
* Fixing #2393 - analysis of broken timelines by @jkppr in
* Helm k8s by @wajihyassine in
* Enable settings from environment (needs Flask 2.1+) by @bpereto in
* Add 🐀 emoji for remote access tools by @pemontto in
* Switch to Compose V2 by @koromodako in
* Return user defined aggregation name when using the API client by @sydp in
* Bump cryptography from 39.0.1 to 41.0.0 by @dependabot in
* Bump pyjwt from 1.7.1 to 2.4.0 by @dependabot in
* Update Helm README to refer to OSDFIR Infrastructure by @wajihyassine in
* DFIQ support by @berggren in
* Fix for importing small JSONL files by @berggren in
* Restyle timeline chips by @Annoraaq in
* Windows bruteforce analyzer by @roshanmaskey in
* Automate verbose analyzer output metadata collection by @jkppr in
* Update the event tags UI by @jkppr in
* UI support for verbose analyzer output by @jkppr in
* New UI build (automated) by @berggren in
## New Contributors
* @bpereto made their first contribution in
* @koromodako made their first contribution in
**Full Changelog**: 20230721timesketch 202307212023-07-21T11:57:16+00:00## What's Changed
* fixes #2809 UI bug by @jkppr in
* Timeline and Scenarios fixes + small UI fixes by @berggren in
* Show selected event in context view by @berggren in
* Consitent forms and cleaned up XML viewer by @berggren in
* Remove ports from e2e-tests by @berggren in
* Update Account Finder Analyzer by @jkppr in
* Delete sketch and list archived sketches by @berggren in
* Add json and tab output to CLI client by @jaegeral in
* [CLI] Add `output-format` as cli wide argument by @jaegeral in
* Update hashR analyzer by @jkppr in
* [CLI] refactor to use central output-format by @jaegeral in
* Support OpenSearch queries in DFIQ by @berggren in
* Add Windows Lateral Movement DFIQ scenario by @berggren in
* Adding hashR user documentation by @jkppr in
* New UI build by @berggren in
* Update to add creation of api client and cli client by @jaegeral in
* fix mkdocs warnings by @jkppr in
* fix docs formatting by @jkppr in
* Add a test case for conditions with multiple words in a Sigma rule by @jaegeral in
* Always set active timelines by @berggren in
* Preserve user defined filters by @berggren in
* Support event list sorting (asc/desc) by @berggren in
* Rework comments by @jkppr in
* Upgrade to PyYAML 6.0.1 and NodeJS 18 by @berggren in
* Bump cryptography from 41.0.0 to 41.0.2 by @dependabot in
* Documentation updates for analyzers by @jkppr in
* Add timesketch analyze results to the CLI client by @jaegeral in
* Manage sketch attributes in the CLI client by @jaegeral in
* New UI build and update version numbers by @berggren in
**Full Changelog**: 20230913timesketch 202309132023-09-13T12:06:14+00:00## What's Changed
* [Analyzers] Spelling errors by @jaegeral in
* correct paramters in cli attributes method by @jaegeral in
* Update by @jaegeral in
* adding timeline info to the tsctl by @jaegeral in
* Feature extraction for TI data in "Windows-Bits-Client" events by @jkppr in
* Update Date chip to support milliseconds by @sydp in
* Allow API port to listen on localhost by @tomchop in
* Loading indicator active analyzers by @Annoraaq in
* OpenSearch 2.x support by @berggren in
* ui build 20230831 by @jkppr in
* Bump cryptography from 41.0.2 to 41.0.3 by @dependabot in
* Add TTY check for providing missing config values by @ramo-j in
* Don't exit with error if user chooses not to start timesketch by @pemontto in
* Export query result to CSV by @berggren in
* Run analyzers only once per timeline by @jkppr in
* Support overriding/extending Plaso formatter definitions by @berggren in
* New UI build (automated) by @berggren in
* Tag list refactor & bug fixes by @jkppr in
* Event attribute include / exclude filters by @jkppr in
* refactor verbose analyzer output by @jkppr in
* Analyzer Output UI update by @jkppr in
* Adding tag filter chips to sigma rules by @jkppr in
* Search History graph cleanup by @berggren in
* UI build 20230913 by @jkppr in
**Full Changelog**: 20231025timesketch 202310252023-10-25T14:49:30+00:00> **Note**
Upgrading to this Timesketch version requires a database upgrade!
See for more details.
## What's Changed
* filter chip fixes by @jkppr in
* Adding multi analyzer result support by @jkppr in
* Fix CSV upload without timestamp_desc by @jkppr in
* Bump cryptography from 41.0.3 to 41.0.4 by @dependabot in
* Deprecate Sigma status CSV usage from code by @jaegeral in
* Add intelligence command to the CLI client by @jaegeral in
* UI build 2023-10-05 by @jkppr in
* Fix missing plaso_formatters by @jkppr in
* Refactor base layout by @berggren in
* ui build 20231010 by @jkppr in
* Fix #2908 tagger bug by @jkppr in
* Update yeti analyzer by @tomchop in
* Adjusting regular expressions for features extraction by @tomchop in
* [Documentation] timesketch_client.TimesketchApi in api client documentation by @jaegeral in
* Improvements to the Yeti analyzer by @tomchop in
* Truncate timeline names in analyzer results by @jkppr in
* API client method to delete Sigma rule by @jaegeral in
* Fix missing sketchId in Search.vue by @jkppr in
* Unfurl integration by @jkppr in
* Copy saved search ID by @jkppr in
* Support emojis in new UI by @NightAcrobat777 in
* SSL/TLS support and authentication for SMTP by @fazledyn-or in
* Instantiate side panel only once by @berggren in
* Unit test to ensure invalid timestamp conversions do not occur by @bwhelan212 in
* Add DFIQ context to SearchHistory by @berggren in
* Sanitise HTML from Unfurl by @berggren in
* Context link backwards compatibility & sanitation by @jkppr in
* UI build 2023-10-25 by @jkppr in
## New Contributors
* @NightAcrobat777 made their first contribution in
* @fazledyn-or made their first contribution in
* @bwhelan212 made their first contribution in
**Full Changelog**: 20231206timesketch 202312062023-12-06T14:12:10+00:00## What's Changed
* Left panel timeline management by @Annoraaq in
* Extract Windows event logs messages attributes by @roshanmaskey in
* API client: Return all field for analysis sessions by @tomchop in
* Highlight DFIQ context card by @berggren in
* Introduce (large) CSV import in e2e tests by @jaegeral in
* "Add to Threat Intelligence" via context links by @jkppr in
* Graph bug and layout fix by @berggren in
* Feature extraction config for BITS and Terminal Services by @roshanmaskey in
* Adjust default example text for yeti endpoint by @tomchop in
* Adding a copy action to filter chips by @JohannesLks in
* Update to the windows deployment script by @coloradosarge in
* Adding and updating tooltips for icons by @jkppr in
* Fix hidden text by @jkppr in
* bug-fix for context links by @jkppr in
* Update for upgrade documentation by @jkppr in
* Removing old feature extractor analyzer by @jkppr in
* Update for the context_links documentation by @jkppr in
* Updating the feature extraction analyzer documentation by @jkppr in
* [tests] Add jsonl e2e tests by @jaegeral in
* Fix vue dependency issues with "v-calendar" by @jkppr in
* Mute noisy info logging in the feature extraction analyzer by @jkppr in
* New empty-state and left panel bugfix by @berggren in
* Update the analyzer timeline picker by @jkppr in
* UI build 20231206 by @jkppr in
## New Contributors
* @JohannesLks made their first contribution in
* @coloradosarge made their first contribution in
**Full Changelog**: 0.10.20-Raspberryggrc-core 0.10.20-Raspberry2017-06-27T16:25:57+00:002017-06-27T16:25:57+00:00ggrc-core 0.10.21-Raspberryggrc-core 0.10.21-Raspberry2017-07-05T17:43:13+00:002017-07-05T17:43:13+00:00ggrc-core 0.10.21-Raspberry-PATCH1ggrc-core 0.10.21-Raspberry-PATCH12017-07-11T16:18:37+00:002017-07-11T16:18:37+00:00ggrc-core 0.10.22-Raspberryggrc-core 0.10.22-Raspberry2017-07-12T15:28:28+00:002017-07-12T15:28:28+00:00ggrc-core 0.10.23-Raspberryggrc-core 0.10.23-Raspberry2017-07-18T16:46:55+00:002017-07-18T16:46:55+00:00ggrc-core 0.10.24-Raspberryggrc-core 0.10.24-Raspberry2017-07-25T16:01:47+00:002017-07-25T16:01:47+00:00ggrc-core 0.10.25-Raspberryggrc-core 0.10.25-Raspberry2017-08-02T21:37:50+00:002017-08-02T21:37:50+00:00ggrc-core 0.10.26-Raspberryggrc-core 0.10.26-Raspberry2017-08-09T17:19:22+00:002017-08-09T17:19:22+00:00ggrc-core 0.10.27-Raspberryggrc-core 0.10.27-Raspberry2017-08-15T18:56:33+00:002017-08-15T18:56:33+00:00ggrc-core 0.10.28-Raspberryggrc-core 0.10.28-Raspberry2017-08-28T15:07:11+00:002017-08-28T15:07:11+00:00ggrc-core 0.10.28-Raspberry-PATCH1ggrc-core 0.10.28-Raspberry-PATCH12017-08-28T21:22:06+00:002017-08-28T21:22:06+00:00ggrc-core 0.10.29-Raspberryggrc-core 0.10.29-Raspberry2017-09-14T10:50:53+00:002017-09-14T10:50:53+00:00ggrc-core 0.10.29-Raspberry-PATCH1ggrc-core 0.10.29-Raspberry-PATCH12017-09-20T12:47:28+00:002017-09-20T12:47:28+00:00ggrc-core 0.10.30-Raspberryggrc-core 0.10.30-Raspberry2017-09-26T17:20:49+00:002017-09-26T17:20:49+00:00ggrc-core 0.10.31-Raspberryggrc-core 0.10.31-Raspberry2017-10-03T20:57:02+00:002017-10-03T20:57:02+00:00ggrc-core 0.10.31-Raspberry-PATCH1ggrc-core 0.10.31-Raspberry-PATCH12017-10-05T17:51:36+00:002017-10-05T17:51:36+00:00ggrc-core 0.10.31-Raspberry-PATCH2ggrc-core 0.10.31-Raspberry-PATCH22017-10-09T09:36:30+00:002017-10-09T09:36:30+00:00ggrc-core 0.10.32-Raspberryggrc-core 0.10.32-Raspberry2017-10-10T17:08:33+00:002017-10-10T17:08:33+00:00ggrc-core 0.10.32-Raspberry-PATCH1ggrc-core 0.10.32-Raspberry-PATCH12017-10-11T15:23:38+00:002017-10-11T15:23:38+00:00ggrc-core 0.10.32-Raspberry-PATCH2ggrc-core 0.10.32-Raspberry-PATCH22017-10-16T16:35:47+00:002017-10-16T16:35:47+00:00ggrc-core 0.10.33-Raspberryggrc-core 0.10.33-Raspberry2017-10-19T10:19:50+00:002017-10-19T10:19:50+00:00ggrc-core 0.10.33-Raspberry-PATCH1ggrc-core 0.10.33-Raspberry-PATCH12017-10-25T17:26:56+00:002017-10-25T17:26:56+00:00ggrc-core 0.10.34-Raspberryggrc-core 0.10.34-Raspberry2017-11-01T16:36:25+00:002017-11-01T16:36:25+00:00ggrc-core 0.10.35-Raspberryggrc-core 0.10.35-Raspberry2017-11-20T17:37:14+00:002017-11-20T17:37:14+00:00ggrc-core 0.10.35-Raspberry-PATCH1ggrc-core 0.10.35-Raspberry-PATCH12017-11-23T15:41:47+00:002017-11-23T15:41:47+00:00ggrc-core 0.10.36-Raspberryggrc-core 0.10.36-Raspberry2017-12-12T19:14:40+00:002017-12-12T19:14:40+00:00ggrc-core 0.10.37-Raspberryggrc-core 0.10.37-Raspberry2017-12-20T17:06:47+00:002017-12-20T17:06:47+00:00ggrc-core 1.0.0-Strawberryggrc-core 1.0.0-Strawberry2018-01-04T16:57:06+00:002018-01-04T16:57:06+00:00ggrc-core 1.1.0-Strawberryggrc-core 1.1.0-Strawberry2018-01-12T20:57:34+00:002018-01-12T20:57:34+00:00ggrc-core 1.2.0-Strawberryggrc-core 1.2.0-Strawberry2018-01-24T13:21:06+00:002018-01-24T13:21:06+00:00ggrc-core 1.4.0-Strawberryggrc-core 1.4.0-Strawberry2018-02-22T16:23:10+00:002018-02-22T16:23:10+00:00ggrc-core 1.5.0-Strawberryggrc-core 1.5.0-Strawberry2018-02-27T22:03:02+00:002018-02-27T22:03:02+00:00ggrc-core 1.5.1-Strawberryggrc-core 1.5.1-Strawberry2018-03-07T18:45:46+00:002018-03-07T18:45:46+00:00ggrc-core 1.6.0-Strawberryggrc-core 1.6.0-Strawberry2018-03-15T17:57:14+00:002018-03-15T17:57:14+00:00ggrc-core 1.6.1-Strawberryggrc-core 1.6.1-Strawberry2018-03-21T16:55:34+00:002018-03-21T16:55:34+00:00ggrc-core 1.7.0-Strawberryggrc-core 1.7.0-Strawberry2018-03-29T18:15:45+00:002018-03-29T18:15:45+00:00ggrc-core 1.8.0-Strawberryggrc-core 1.8.0-Strawberry2018-04-05T16:19:35+00:002018-04-05T16:19:35+00:00ggrc-core 1.8.1-Strawberryggrc-core 1.8.1-Strawberry2018-04-12T16:50:32+00:002018-04-12T16:50:32+00:00ggrc-core 1.8.2-Strawberryggrc-core 1.8.2-Strawberry2018-04-14T11:40:11+00:002018-04-14T11:40:11+00:00ggrc-core 1.9.0-Strawberryggrc-core 1.9.0-Strawberry2018-04-25T17:14:14+00:002018-04-25T17:14:14+00:00ggrc-core 1.9.1-Strawberryggrc-core 1.9.1-Strawberry2018-05-03T14:52:29+00:002018-05-03T14:52:29+00:00ggrc-core 1.10.0-Strawberryggrc-core 1.10.0-Strawberry2018-05-11T06:27:39+00:002018-05-11T06:27:39+00:00ggrc-core 1.10.1-Strawberryggrc-core 1.10.1-Strawberry2018-05-14T10:21:42+00:002018-05-14T10:21:42+00:00ggrc-core 1.10.2-Strawberryggrc-core 1.10.2-Strawberry2018-05-17T15:45:16+00:002018-05-17T15:45:16+00:00ggrc-core 1.11.0-Strawberryggrc-core 1.11.0-Strawberry2018-05-28T18:14:46+00:002018-05-28T18:14:46+00:00ggrc-core 1.12.0-Strawberryggrc-core 1.12.0-Strawberry2018-06-11T16:35:27+00:002018-06-11T16:35:27+00:00ggrc-core 1.12.1-Strawberryggrc-core 1.12.1-Strawberry2018-06-13T16:42:00+00:002018-06-13T16:42:00+00:00ggrc-core 1.13.0-Strawberryggrc-core 1.13.0-Strawberry2018-06-19T18:52:08+00:002018-06-19T18:52:08+00:00ggrc-core 1.14.0-Strawberryggrc-core 1.14.0-Strawberry2018-06-26T18:27:12+00:002018-06-26T18:27:12+00:00ggrc-core 1.14.2-Strawberryggrc-core 1.14.2-Strawberry2018-07-05T15:55:00+00:002018-07-05T15:55:00+00:00ggrc-core 1.15.0-Strawberryggrc-core 1.15.0-Strawberry2018-07-12T18:35:23+00:002018-07-12T18:35:23+00:00ggrc-core 1.15.1-Strawberryggrc-core 1.15.1-Strawberry2018-07-17T16:59:06+00:002018-07-17T16:59:06+00:00ggrc-core 1.16.0-Strawberryggrc-core 1.16.0-Strawberry2018-07-31T16:48:25+00:002018-07-31T16:48:25+00:00ggrc-core 1.17.0-Strawberryggrc-core 1.17.0-Strawberry2018-08-07T16:49:08+00:002018-08-07T16:49:08+00:00ggrc-core 1.18.0-Strawberryggrc-core 1.18.0-Strawberry2018-08-14T15:40:13+00:002018-08-14T15:40:13+00:00ggrc-core 1.19.0-Strawberryggrc-core 1.19.0-Strawberry2018-08-23T15:48:45+00:002018-08-23T15:48:45+00:00ggrc-core 1.20.0-Strawberryggrc-core 1.20.0-Strawberry2018-08-28T15:50:33+00:002018-08-28T15:50:33+00:00ggrc-core 1.21.0-Strawberryggrc-core 1.21.0-Strawberry2018-09-04T16:05:44+00:002018-09-04T16:05:44+00:00ggrc-core 1.22.0-Strawberryggrc-core 1.22.0-Strawberry2018-09-11T19:19:45+00:002018-09-11T19:19:45+00:00ggrc-core 1.23.0-Strawberryggrc-core 1.23.0-Strawberry2018-09-18T18:21:46+00:002018-09-18T18:21:46+00:00ggrc-core 1.24.0-Strawberryggrc-core 1.24.0-Strawberry2018-09-26T16:47:42+00:002018-09-26T16:47:42+00:00ggrc-core 1.24.1-Strawberryggrc-core 1.24.1-Strawberry2018-09-27T13:12:23+00:002018-09-27T13:12:23+00:00ggrc-core 1.25.0-Strawberryggrc-core 1.25.0-Strawberry2018-10-04T15:43:19+00:002018-10-04T15:43:19+00:00ggrc-core ggrc-5521-revertggrc-core ggrc-5521-revert2018-10-08T08:20:49+00:002018-10-08T08:20:49+00:00ggrc-core 1.26.0-Strawberryggrc-core 1.26.0-Strawberry2018-10-09T16:30:14+00:002018-10-09T16:30:14+00:00ggrc-core 1.27.0-Strawberryggrc-core 1.27.0-Strawberry2018-10-16T20:37:52+00:002018-10-16T20:37:52+00:00ggrc-core 1.28.0-Strawberryggrc-core 1.28.0-Strawberry2018-10-24T17:17:46+00:002018-10-24T17:17:46+00:00ggrc-core 1.29.0-Strawberryggrc-core 1.29.0-Strawberry2018-10-31T16:12:24+00:002018-10-31T16:12:24+00:00ggrc-core 1.30.0-Strawberryggrc-core 1.30.0-Strawberry2018-11-06T17:58:41+00:002018-11-06T17:58:41+00:00ggrc-core 1.31.0-Strawberry-testggrc-core 1.31.0-Strawberry-test2018-11-13T09:50:20+00:002018-11-13T09:50:20+00:00ggrc-core 1.31.0-Strawberryggrc-core 1.31.0-Strawberry2018-11-20T16:55:49+00:002018-11-20T16:55:49+00:00ggrc-core 1.32.0-Strawberryggrc-core 1.32.0-Strawberry2018-11-28T15:43:16+00:002018-11-28T15:43:16+00:00ggrc-core 1.33.0-Strawberryggrc-core 1.33.0-Strawberry2018-12-04T16:03:52+00:002018-12-04T16:03:52+00:00ggrc-core 1.34.0-Strawberryggrc-core 1.34.0-Strawberry2018-12-12T17:14:32+00:002018-12-12T17:14:32+00:00ggrc-core 1.35.0-Strawberryggrc-core 1.35.0-Strawberry2018-12-20T17:34:59+00:002018-12-20T17:34:59+00:00ggrc-core 1.36.0-Strawberryggrc-core 1.36.0-Strawberry2018-12-27T18:10:56+00:002018-12-27T18:10:56+00:00ggrc-core 1.37.0-Strawberryggrc-core 1.37.0-Strawberry2019-01-09T18:19:05+00:002019-01-09T18:19:05+00:00ggrc-core 1.38.0-Strawberryggrc-core 1.38.0-Strawberry2019-01-17T18:22:49+00:002019-01-17T18:22:49+00:00ggrc-core 1.38.1-Strawberryggrc-core 1.38.1-Strawberry2019-01-22T09:42:33+00:002019-01-22T09:42:33+00:00ggrc-core 1.39.0-Strawberryggrc-core 1.39.0-Strawberry2019-02-05T17:25:32+00:002019-02-05T17:25:32+00:00ggrc-core 1.40.0-Strawberryggrc-core 1.40.0-Strawberry2019-02-12T20:19:51+00:002019-02-12T20:19:51+00:00ggrc-core 1.41.0-Strawberryggrc-core 1.41.0-Strawberry2019-02-19T16:54:12+00:002019-02-19T16:54:12+00:00ggrc-core 1.42.0-Strawberryggrc-core 1.42.0-Strawberry2019-02-26T17:05:54+00:002019-02-26T17:05:54+00:00ggrc-core 1.42.1-Strawberryggrc-core 1.42.1-Strawberry2019-03-26T15:35:57+00:002019-03-26T15:35:57+00:00ggrc-core 2.0.0-Strawberryggrc-core 2.0.0-Strawberry2019-03-26T21:12:57+00:002019-03-26T21:12:57+00:00ggrc-core 2.1.0-Pumpkinggrc-core 2.1.0-Pumpkin2019-04-10T16:28:26+00:002019-04-10T16:28:26+00:00ggrc-core 2.2.0-Pumpkinggrc-core 2.2.0-Pumpkin2019-04-24T14:23:57+00:002019-04-24T14:23:57+00:00ggrc-core 2.2.1-Pumpkinggrc-core 2.2.1-Pumpkin2019-04-30T19:14:41+00:002019-04-30T19:14:41+00:00ggrc-core 1.42.2-Strawberryggrc-core 1.42.2-Strawberry2019-05-02T16:51:40+00:002019-05-02T16:51:40+00:00ggrc-core 2.3.0-Pumpkinggrc-core 2.3.0-Pumpkin2019-05-03T20:14:44+00:002019-05-03T20:14:44+00:00ggrc-core 2.4.0-Pumpkinggrc-core 2.4.0-Pumpkin2019-05-14T19:22:34+00:002019-05-14T19:22:34+00:00ggrc-core 1.42.3-Strawberryggrc-core 1.42.3-Strawberry2019-05-22T18:59:37+00:002019-05-22T18:59:37+00:00ggrc-core 2.5.0-Pumpkinggrc-core 2.5.0-Pumpkin2019-05-22T18:59:53+00:002019-05-22T18:59:53+00:00ggrc-core 2.6.0-Pumpkinggrc-core 2.6.0-Pumpkin2019-06-18T21:03:20+00:002019-06-18T21:03:20+00:00ggrc-core 2.7.0-Pumpkinggrc-core 2.7.0-Pumpkin2019-07-02T20:09:09+00:002019-07-02T20:09:09+00:00ggrc-core 2.8.0-Pumpkinggrc-core 2.8.0-Pumpkin2019-07-12T13:26:04+00:002019-07-12T13:26:04+00:00ggrc-core 2.9.0-Pumpkinggrc-core 2.9.0-Pumpkin2019-07-23T15:58:49+00:002019-07-23T15:58:49+00:00ggrc-core 2.10.0-Pumpkinggrc-core 2.10.0-Pumpkin2019-07-31T18:42:28+00:002019-07-31T18:42:28+00:00ggrc-core 2.11.0-Pumpkinggrc-core 2.11.0-Pumpkin2019-08-06T16:20:08+00:002019-08-06T16:20:08+00:00ggrc-core 2.12.0-Pumpkinggrc-core 2.12.0-Pumpkin2019-08-13T14:25:52+00:002019-08-13T14:25:52+00:00ggrc-core 2.13.0-Pumpkinggrc-core 2.13.0-Pumpkin2019-08-20T16:51:04+00:002019-08-20T16:51:04+00:00ggrc-core 2.14.0-Pumpkinggrc-core 2.14.0-Pumpkin2019-08-27T14:07:26+00:002019-08-27T14:07:26+00:00ggrc-core 2.15.0-Pumpkinggrc-core 2.15.0-Pumpkin2019-09-03T15:37:21+00:002019-09-03T15:37:21+00:00ggrc-core 2.16.0-Pumpkinggrc-core 2.16.0-Pumpkin2019-09-10T13:44:07+00:002019-09-10T13:44:07+00:00ggrc-core 2.16.1-Pumpkinggrc-core 2.16.1-Pumpkin2019-09-17T11:27:48+00:002019-09-17T11:27:48+00:00ggrc-core 2.17.0-Pumpkinggrc-core 2.17.0-Pumpkin2019-09-24T13:34:22+00:002019-09-24T13:34:22+00:00ggrc-core 2.18.0-Pumpkinggrc-core 2.18.0-Pumpkin2019-10-08T14:47:07+00:002019-10-08T14:47:07+00:00ggrc-core 2.19.0-Pumpkinggrc-core 2.19.0-Pumpkin2019-10-21T12:23:09+00:002019-10-21T12:23:09+00:00ggrc-core 2.20.0-Pumpkinggrc-core 2.20.0-Pumpkin2019-10-28T14:02:41+00:002019-10-28T14:02:41+00:00ggrc-core 2.21.0-Pumpkinggrc-core 2.21.0-Pumpkin2019-11-22T06:39:01+00:002019-11-22T06:39:01+00:00ggrc-core 2.22.0-Pumpkinggrc-core 2.22.0-Pumpkin2019-12-05T15:54:54+00:002019-12-05T15:54:54+00:00ggrc-core 2.23.0-Pumpkinggrc-core 2.23.0-Pumpkin2019-12-16T15:28:55+00:002019-12-16T15:28:55+00:00ggrc-core 2.24.0-Pumpkinggrc-core 2.24.0-Pumpkin2019-12-24T11:02:09+00:002019-12-24T11:02:09+00:00ggrc-core 2.20.4-Pumpkinggrc-core 2.20.4-Pumpkin2020-03-24T15:47:51+00:002020-03-24T15:47:51+00:00