Recent releases for BGPRanking 2024-05-18T23:37:12.893919+00:00 python-feedgen BGPRanking 2.0 BGPRanking 2.0 2022-01-18T14:03:43+00:00 ## BGP Ranking version 2.0 release - major upgrade 2.0 (2022-01-18) BGP Ranking version 2.0 is released including an improvement back-end relying on [kvrocks]( and many improvements including source import, additional sources and many bugs fixed. ### New * Add missing types in ssfetcher. [Raphaël Vinot] * lists - SSLBlacklist, ThreatFox. [Raphaël Vinot] ### Changes * Bump deps, add pybgpranking2. [Raphaël Vinot] * Use best source from ipasnhistory if possible. [Raphaël Vinot] * Improve shadow server import, support network in sanitizer. [Raphaël Vinot] * Improve logging when something is broken when caching. [Raphaël Vinot] * Improve logging for parser on exception. [Raphaël Vinot] * Bump deps. [Raphaël Vinot] * Slight changes in migrate script. [Raphaël Vinot] * Remove old file. [Raphaël Vinot] * Bump deps. [Raphaël Vinot] * Improve logging. [Raphaël Vinot] * Move API to restx. [Raphaël Vinot] * Migrate to new framework. [Raphaël Vinot] * Sync code with prod. [Raphaël Vinot] * Remove bambenekconsulting feeds (not free anymore) [Raphaël Vinot] ### Fix * Incorrect redirect in asn. [Raphaël Vinot] * Avoid exception if the source is created after we try to get the modules. [Raphaël Vinot] * Do not cache load_all_modules_configs, it is dynamic. [Raphaël Vinot] * Properly forward data to ipasnhistory. [Raphaël Vinot] * Incorrect regex, again. [Raphaël Vinot] * Incorrect regex match for list update. [Raphaël Vinot] * Missing variable in threatfox parser. [Raphaël Vinot] * Properly name SSL blacklist. [Raphaël Vinot] * Avoid exception on GET request for ipasnhistory proxy. [Raphaël Vinot] * POST for ipasnhistory via bgpranking works again. [Raphaël Vinot] * Also start the website. [Raphaël Vinot] ### Other * Merge pull request #13 from D4-project/dependabot/pip/jinja2-2.11.3. [Steve Clement] * Build(deps): bump jinja2 from 2.10.3 to 2.11.3. [dependabot[bot]] Bumps [jinja2]( from 2.10.3 to 2.11.3. - [Release notes]( - [Changelog]( - [Commits]( 2022-01-18T14:03:43+00:00 BGPRanking 2.1 BGPRanking 2.1 2022-04-27T08:22:03+00:00 BGP Ranking version 2.1 released including updated dependencies. 2022-04-27T08:22:03+00:00