Recent releases for PyPCAPKit 2024-05-18T20:03:40.713101+00:00 python-feedgen PyPCAPKit v0.13.0 PyPCAPKit v0.13.0 2018-12-08T13:18:45+00:00 New distribution [0.13.0] - no changes - updated license & misc files 2018-12-08T13:18:45+00:00 PyPCAPKit v0.13.0.post1 PyPCAPKit v0.13.0.post1 2018-12-08T13:39:34+00:00 New distribution [0.13.0.post1] 2018-12-08T13:39:34+00:00 PyPCAPKit v0.13.0.post2 PyPCAPKit v0.13.0.post2 2018-12-12T00:50:17+00:00 New distribution [0.13.0.post2] - fixed minor bugs in with encoding errors 2018-12-12T00:50:17+00:00 PyPCAPKit v0.13.1 PyPCAPKit v0.13.1 2019-01-23T15:54:20+00:00 New distribution [0.13.1] - revised for compat issue - introduced tbtrim for excepthook - updated .gitignore 2019-01-23T15:54:20+00:00 PyPCAPKit v0.13.2 PyPCAPKit v0.13.2 2019-01-25T03:11:08+00:00 New distribution [0.13.2] updated tbtrim updated Makefile 2019-01-25T03:11:08+00:00 PyPCAPKit v0.13.3 PyPCAPKit v0.13.3 2019-02-26T02:11:05+00:00 v0.13.3 2019-02-26T02:11:05+00:00 PyPCAPKit v0.13.3.post1 PyPCAPKit v0.13.3.post1 2019-02-28T15:08:33+00:00 v0.13.3.post1 2019-02-28T15:08:33+00:00 PyPCAPKit v0.13.3.post2 PyPCAPKit v0.13.3.post2 2019-03-01T03:58:05+00:00 - updated dependencies - bugfix in Makefile 2019-03-01T03:58:05+00:00 PyPCAPKit v0.14.0 PyPCAPKit v0.14.0 2019-03-02T12:43:57+00:00 New distribution [0.14.0] - updated TCP reassembly pipeline for RST flag - updated README correspondingly - linted test script 2019-03-02T12:43:57+00:00 PyPCAPKit v0.14.1 PyPCAPKit v0.14.1 2019-03-07T11:47:57+00:00 New distribution [0.14.1] * add PCAPKIT_DEVMODE environ * revised Makefile 2019-03-07T11:47:57+00:00 PyPCAPKit v0.14.2 PyPCAPKit v0.14.2 2019-03-28T14:12:26+00:00 * bugfix in exceptions & TCP reassembly algo. * moved venv in project 2019-03-28T14:12:26+00:00 PyPCAPKit v0.14.3 PyPCAPKit v0.14.3 2019-08-08T13:01:52+00:00 New distribution [0.14.3] * bugfix for pull #30 (special thanks to @koyokr) * bugfix for issue #29 (special thanks to @59e5aaf4) * updated Pipfile * updated sample output * updated Makefile * update const files * fixed wikipedia blocked by GFW issue 2019-08-08T13:01:52+00:00 PyPCAPKit v0.14.4 PyPCAPKit v0.14.4 2019-09-01T14:39:08+00:00 New distribution [0.14.4] * included vendor scripts to distro * seperate CLI deps in * added vendor deps in * linted source files (except protocols/ipsuite) * revised impl of vendor scripts * updated const enums accordingly * some other minor changes 2019-09-01T14:39:08+00:00 PyPCAPKit v0.14.5 PyPCAPKit v0.14.5 2019-10-24T12:37:51+00:00 * revised deps * added vendor CLI * delayed vendor import (#31) 2019-10-24T12:37:51+00:00 PyPCAPKit v0.15.0 PyPCAPKit v0.15.0 2020-06-07T02:36:16+00:00 New distribution [0.15.0] * bumped version to 0.15.0 * fixed issue #37 & #40 as we updated deps on DictDumper * merged protocol parsing & constructing logics * revised TCP flow tracing & several interfaces * added a full API doc as hosted on * minor bugfix all over the whole project 2020-06-07T02:36:16+00:00 PyPCAPKit v0.15.1 PyPCAPKit v0.15.1 2020-06-18T14:20:01+00:00 New distribution [0.15.1] * revised const enumerations * revised vendor crawlers 2020-06-18T14:20:01+00:00 PyPCAPKit v0.15.2 PyPCAPKit v0.15.2 2020-06-27T02:33:00+00:00 New distribution [0.15.2] * added register interface to protocols for extensibility * revised, now supports extensibility through register function * minor bugfix in traceflow for consistency in format and output 2020-06-27T02:33:00+00:00 PyPCAPKit v0.15.3 PyPCAPKit v0.15.3 2020-08-17T12:14:02+00:00 New distribution [0.15.3] * bugfix for #55 (ARP parsing issue) * added logging integration (as `pcapkit` logger) 2020-08-17T12:14:02+00:00 PyPCAPKit v0.15.4 PyPCAPKit v0.15.4 2020-09-26T14:08:24+00:00 * bugfix for #58 * setup Travis CI 2020-09-26T14:08:24+00:00 PyPCAPKit v0.15.5 PyPCAPKit v0.15.5 2020-10-11T15:12:59+00:00 2020-10-11T15:12:59+00:00 PyPCAPKit v0.16.0 PyPCAPKit v0.16.0 2022-06-01T05:35:59+00:00 ## What's Changed * revised entire project * type annotations * protocol redesign * linter compliance * added and revised tests (see #82, bugfix help wanted) * general bugfix in the project (#101 and many more) * reviewed and rearranged APIs, especially * added `pcapkit.corekit.multidict` module based on `Werkzeug` project * removed `validators` & some decorators from `pcapkit.utilities` * moved PCAP & aux protocols under `pcapkit.misc` * redesigned `Protocol` class to integrate parsing & construction at the same time, as well as better subclass protocol implementation experience * initialised PyPCAPKit Enhancement Proposals discussion channel (see #106) **Full Changelog**: 2022-06-01T05:35:59+00:00 PyPCAPKit v0.16.1 PyPCAPKit v0.16.1 2022-06-08T19:59:55+00:00 ## What's Changed * changed `warnings.warn` calls to `pcapkit.utilities.warnings.warn` * revised missing optional dependency warnings (add for CLI & vendor) * updated version strings in repository * `make isort` **Full Changelog**: 2022-06-08T19:59:55+00:00 PyPCAPKit v0.16.2 PyPCAPKit v0.16.2 2022-08-04T02:55:47+00:00 2022-08-04T02:55:47+00:00 PyPCAPKit v0.16.3 PyPCAPKit v0.16.3 2022-10-31T22:16:01+00:00 New Distribution [0.16.3] * bugfix for #114 & #116 (hopefully) * bugfix for distro workflow 2022-10-31T22:16:01+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.0.0b9 PyPCAPKit v1.0.0b9 2023-04-21T17:38:25+00:00 - b30731a5 Bumped version to 1.0.0b9 - 052c174c use action for changelog - cce0a9b3 Bumped version to 1.0.0b8 - 2c997c17 bugfix on changelog - d3c9d225 Bumped version to 1.0.0b7 - cff847ba bugfix on changelog - bac920a9 Bumped version to 1.0.0b6 - 8620ca61 generate changelog on release - e2e820e8 Bumped version to 1.0.0b5 - 5e555489 dont tag in cron - a419bd83 Bumped version to 1.0.0b4 - 22aa473e try to auto generate changelog on release - 4ee367e5 Bumped version to 1.0.0b3 - e05e323f test on changelog generation - 14748391 revised release action - 65ce9cf0 Bumped version to 1.0.0b2 - 05420c9f use ncipollo/release-action for release - cbe02fef Bumped version to 1.0.0b3 - 5090102b bugfix for cron (commit message) - 61faadd6 setup for workflow chain test - e5eb0930 Merge branch 'main' of - 1055b454 do not tag in cron-update - bc29e909 Updated vendor constant enumerations at Fri Apr 21 15:34:32 UTC 2023 - 6e5bf095 setup for workflow chain test - ae503e0f bugfix for - 340d957a Updated vendor constant enumerations at Fri Apr 21 15:06:06 UTC 2023 - c04b9d2e typing_extensions usage bugfix - ff323d23 bugfix for release action (tag name) - c6bc64c0 renamed default branch to main - 7bf28fa5 bugfix for cron (bump version before commit) - ec458e0a bugfix for release action (skip existing) - f89fedce Updated vendor constant enumerations at Fri Apr 21 13:56:26 UTC 2023 - 0d95c2dc bugfix for release action (use ubuntu) - d7c61f9e Updated vendor constant enumerations at Fri Apr 21 13:40:12 UTC 2023 - 557ee6f1 setup for workflow chain test - 98741dca Updated vendor constant enumerations at Fri Apr 21 12:44:31 UTC 2023 - 91d5b23f setup for workflow chain test - 183b2a9d Updated vendor constant enumerations at Fri Apr 21 12:33:46 UTC 2023 - 0701dee5 setup for test - 0c8296df Merge branch 'master' of - 52e5da30 revised vendor crawler for retry & CI/CD mode environ vars - e36d03bb Update cron-update.yml - afe1fd2e setting up github actions for auto release - 2287d6f5 Create - bf591b3d Create dependabot.yml - 9d437435 make isort - 5d5c5117 version compat bugfix for enum.StrEnum - eee65370 use local twine - 1aaa05a4 revised distro workflow (Makefile) - 50009806 make bandit - f8b5f2ef revised setup/build system based on scapy - 64408950 added todo for pcapng - 9766f20e make isort - 312a62a0 revised docs fonts - f6acee0f revised docs config - e1e5c5e8 bugfix in github pages action - 7fb1943e bugfix in github pages action - e9742e2a bumped version to 1.0.0b1 - 543bf9e2 finished docs revision - e0aaaaf2 working on docs (pcapkit.protocols.application) - 5920d961 debugging workflow - 7bd79944 working on docs (pcapkit.protocols.transport) - e8ac3779 working on docs (pcapkit.protocols.internet) - 60823542 working on docs ( - 8a2916a5 working on docs ( - 0e52db30 renamed to engines - 4801bf63 working on docs (pcapkit.protocols.misc) - 04edf251 working on docs (pcapkit.protocols.misc) - 5fb18791 working on docs (pcapkit.vendor) - ca124d50 working on docs (pcapkit.utilities) - 2f2116b3 working on docs (pcapkit.toolkit) - c4060d9a working on docs (pcapkit.interface) - 78c3bcf0 working on docs ( - 91764b56 working on docs (pcapkit.dumpkit) - 50282e07 working on docs (pcapkit.corekit) - 0209e049 working on docs (pcapkit.const) - 30d2346d updated enumerations & vendor crawlers for docs - 64a94f54 introducted book theme for docs - d60e2152 introducted book theme for docs - 55be2200 updated engine benchmarking in readme - f2d62340 updated test_time - c29f7e09 revised toplevel modules for docs generation - 07bf98d4 updated vendor & const for docs generation - df577930 updated test_time - 08c2c9b8 added close methods to engins - 54cd4041 updated - 49e99017 revised repo files - 90b4399c updated - 25136f57 updated enumerations & vendor crawlers - 3b209507 make isort - 24edd30d added MH enumerations & vendor cralwers - 3ed3b479 working on MH enumerations - 26b8c148 working on MH enumerations - 2160eb25 working on MH enumerations - 6c06e896 working on MH enumerations - e69e2967 working on MH enumerations - 0befe0e0 working on MH enumerations - 1f1399f6 working on MH enumerations - a2668098 working on PCAPNG schema - 2e1abeae no changes - 5319c53e added VERBOSE support to warnings - 29c5fd27 added PCAPNG block type enumeration/crawler - 2d35a89a added engine registry APIs - 502bc421 minor bugfix for pyshark engine support - 0dc9b223 make isort - e1ad64e3 renamed dumpkit.compat to dumpkit.common - b3ed2c3a extracted dumper customised hooks to dumpkit.compat - 232a5e6a extract header info for DPKT/Scapy - b9b4cabd bugfix in Engine logic - 2afffde7 integrated engines into Extractor - 814b1056 implemented engine support classes (based on Extractor methods - 9b46e476 general bugfix after reassembly/traceflow module revision - 7bd22b1d updated sample output - 73dc595e general bugfix after reassembly/traceflow module revision - 54b3580e revised Extractor for reassembly & traceflow upgrade - dcd536fc updated import path for reassembly & traceflow modules - 595186d7 revised traceflow module organisation - aa7350d8 revised reassembly module organisation - 86966fd7 bugfix for Dict/List typing compatibility - 5903ea32 updated import path for reassembly data models - d4a88e7f revised reassembly - moved data models into the `data` module - 7874714b Merge branch 'test/rc/schema' - 930b9175 updated test_analysis - a15e2b54 typing revision - 8221b9f2 make isort - 25c0e059 updated registry APIs - 3475f360 updated TCP protocol registry (80 for HTTP/1.* only) - 74c8993d revised HTTP protocol IDs (for generic matching) - 4d8b7c46 revised _import_next_layer (calculate length by payload if arg not provided) - 581ff2f6 revised exception logging output - cc16cdb5 bugfix in beholder decorator for error handler using get_payload instead of self._file - 5fbfe808 bugfix in HTTP._guess_version for use of self._data instead of self._file - 752b1027 bugfix in ARP schema fields (length of operation field) - ee6a3b27 bugfix in SchemaField unpacking logic - af8f303b updated sample outputs - 2ef23de1 revised application layer proto number (if not registered, directly use None) - fb7586a3 revised enum dumping output format - 4b8ae8e5 revised enum dumping output format - ab5c9b1e revised fields __call__ methods (callback and length callback) - 7bf38c50 pkt['__length__'] should be treated as the remaining length of data - ebab5d87 use get_payload for payload data in Internet._import_next_layer - 9f640a8b update field's template & length upon callback - 2c1082e4 Ethernet schema's payload length should directly use __length__ - d5307a72 option parsers/constructors do not need Self in arglist - b072d801 print exception stack in beholder under dev mode - 7ad906c2 bugfix for NumberField __call__ not updating if length not changed - edf46288 bugfix for Data/Schema dict conversion (excluded names & additional built-int names) - 70a3e149 bugfix for EOF test in Schema.unpack's prepare decorator - 2a141855 added PyCharm configs & updated .gitignore - ff813236 added basic test case - 86be6660 bugfix in Schema set/get/delattr funcs - f87fad63 bugfix in HTTP/1.* for header length - cfeb193e integrated HTTP/2 with schema * renamed `RstStream` as `RSTSTREAM` * revised frame type parsing & construction logic * revised frame data models (added __value__ to flags & eliminate unnecessary usage of Optional) - 5a780bce udpated docs for IPv6-Route - a2e627a6 change Schema.pre/post_process to classmethods - c1dafe24 TCP flags order by its actual bit position - 5764358e Field.pack should also include packet data - d116d941 make isort - 321f872c integrated HTTP/1.\* with schema * added message attribute to StatusCode enumeration * revised & implemented HTTP/1.\* parsing & construction - 94735db3 added enumeration and vendor crawler for HTTP/1.\* status code & methods - 6909ec30 updated docs for FTP Coomand vendor - 0dfaf007 isort: skip - 38e47f90 integrated HTTP with schema * bugfix in Protocol.from_schema for self init args * removed HTTP base data model * revised HTTP base class for generic processing - d6e1d7cb make pcapkit-vendor - f432c8ab make isort - 6cb4e701 integrated FTP with schema * revised FTP return code & command enumeration/vendor crawler * revised FTP data models * revised FTP parsing logic (use regex) - 47ac3878 make isort - 3bba8a17 revised TCP schemas with OptionField/etc. & redesigned read funcs - acd929b8 revised forward match fields usage in protocols - 84d576f3 revised HOPOPT/IPv4/IPv6 for nonce values * nonce type should be int * revised MPL option seed ID when type is source IPv6 address * added missing opt construction with data - 449dd81f revised IPv6-Route schemas with OptionField/etc. & redesigned read funcs & added support for SRH de/compression - 321759e6 added packet as a keyword args to be passed down protocol chain for parent level context * revised _decode/import_next_layer implementations * revised unpack implementation * updated IPv6 for utilising packet arg to pass on src/dst IP address info - b5ebf976 minor logic revision on ListField.unpack - 1e1952c9 revised IPv6-Opts schemas with OptionField/etc. & redesigned read funcs - 249d0406 make isort - 5d390c7a added eool to OptionField - 8043d09c revised docs in HOPOPT - 89be9182 revised IPv4 schemas with OptionField/etc. & redesigned read funcs - 6c892b2e minor bugfix in HOPOPT quick start option schema - bcdebea1 make isort - f0cea097 revised HOPOPT schemas with OptionField/etc. & redesigned read funcs - e1a406c8 updated Schema for ForwardMatchField - 5b99cd83 revised Fields * added ForwardMatchField & NoValueField * revised _Field.unpack arg list - af379266 removed unused stmts in HIP - 451f629c make isort - ba875f8e revised HIP schemas with Schema/Option/ListFields & redesigned read funcs - 30778f3b minor revision on fields and schema * added pre/post-process to Schema unpacking * added prepare decorator for Schema.unpack * revised ListField for support of SchemaField * include parsed options into packet in OptionField - b307bd48 working on field type revision * moved List/OptionField to collections module * updated import statements accordingly * added SchemaField & SwitchField * working on ListField processing for the newly added field types - df75014f added OptionField * revised Schema.unpack/pack for support of Option/ListFields * revised protocol schemas to integrate OptionField - 9bd8f0b7 Field.__call__ should return a new instance instead of updating the original one - f74bd64c allow smart detection of the schema/data definition on subclasses of Protocol - ca6ea37e make isort - 9ff5654d updated Transport for overwriting existing registry warnings - ce811b15 updated UDP for subclass params & _make_data impl - 3d2f09f6 general revision * bugfix for missing subclass param for misc/link/internet protocols * added data as additional subclass param in Protocol base class * added Protocol.from_data (& related util function: _make_data, _make_payload, etc.) * implemented _make_data for misc/link/inet protocols * added opt/param registry for HIP/IPv4 * revised opt/param registry method for protocols (added overwriting warnings) * updated foundation.registry functions accordingly (new func added) * added RegistryWarning for overwriting registry entries * changed Schema.__fields__ to OrderedDict * added Schema.get_payload method to extract PayloadField data in given schema instance * added Schema.__payload__ attribute for marking the name of PayloadField - e9066248 bugfix * Info class set map/resv attr on self * protocol's schema argument * DEVMODE usage - 9a8366e9 make isort - aff32c8a vendor update - 5e2797cc bugfix for fields impl & protocol constructors - 819f8d8c integrated UDP with schema - 77e33931 integrated Transport with schema - 327a635d removed files - dc1df513 make isort - 709bb3ad updated docs for IPX - 1fa3c014 integrated MH with schema - 88d51ffa integrated IPX with schema - 45ebc600 integrated IPv6 with schema - ef4dab07 make isort - cb6dc13a minor revision * revised make arglist for protocols (do not add support for Data as args) * added __next_type/name__ to Data when _decode_next_layer returns (to keep track of payload protocol type & info name) - 6a052f9e integrated IPv6-Route with schema - 12b1095f updated docs for HIP - 7b604190 updated docs for IPv6-Frag/IPv6-Opts/HOPOPT - 69948b2f integrated IPv6-Opts with schema - 696c76cc updated docs for HOPOPT - 3521050d integrated IPv6_Frag with schema - abb26008 make isort - 03584d74 make isort - 05407ca5 integrated IPv4 with schema - 3e300e63 minor bugfix in HOPOPT quick start option handling - 55a96c2e integrated IPv4 with schema (work in progress) - 780d34d6 revised Schema unpacking to keep padding fields' value in buffer & dict as well - 945ba9a1 integrated IPv4 with schema (work in progress) - 6371faca revised IPv4 protection authority enumeration - 392ed0ca integrated IPv4 with schema (work in progress) - 08ec431a integrated IPv4 with schema (work in progress) - c001462c revised HOPOPT for option list construction in consideration of auto padding & alignment - ff1e4179 revised Schema's len as packed bytes length - b3dcc470 updated docs - a509663c make isort - 25683edb integrated IP with schema - 8baf986a integrated HOPOPT with schema - b1e6f314 revised IP fields for pre/post-processing IP version check - ba23c149 typo fix (nounce -> nonce) - c465dd04 integrated HOPOPT with schema (work in progress) - e30a7b99 Scheduled weekly dependency update for week 10 (#133) - 1831bb60 integrated HOPOPT with schema (work in progress) - 038c247c integrated HOPOPT with schema (work in progress) - 4fae1153 minor bugfix for HIP - 150b5f69 added IPv6 unknown option actions enumeration - ebab2389 make isort - ee6d2c4f revise HIP for parameter construction with specific args - 64d7bca2 make isort - e046c64f revise HIP for parameter construction with specific args (work in progress) - 18efad76 revise HIP for parameter construction with specific args (work in progress) - b728ca49 revise HIP for parameter construction with specific args - a6133b9f minor revision on IPField to support more valid types in packing - 6b6960e3 revised HIP schemas with IPFields - c00370e4 added IPFields for IPv4/6 addresses in schema - 8c13df91 integrated HIP with schema - 9e6d79c1 integrated HIP with schema (work in progress) - b78b3f47 integrated HIP with schema (work in progress) - 129a9e79 integrated HIP with schema (work in progress) - e46b58ac added EdDSA curve label enumerations - 80abcb7b make isort - ac053f24 integrated HIP with schema (work in progress) - 0d953237 revised Schema's un/packing process, now buffer should always contain bytes - 2b5776ad added item_type to ListField for auto unpacking & schema support for packing - d5312477 revised NoValueType for its boolean repr - 7ad62f02 added new field related exceptions - d4d53f80 working on integrating Schema into HIP - d3ae224c revised schema for change of field parameter list - 8e2b4248 allow bytes as file stream input to protocols - dc57a116 added data to schema support for OSPF cryto auth - 1b3e138d allow bytes as file stream input to protocols - c50305d3 updated Schema for ListField & bugfix for packet data - 25634707 revised fields & added ListField for options & params - 439cc688 integrated AH with schema - 0a909da5 revised PaddingField usage - e427511e revised __all__ statements & type names - 51d7502b integrated Internet & IPsec (base classes) with schema - c5051c32 updated docs - ccf876eb updated docs - 747275c7 integrated VLAN with schema - 7b36e18f added bit_length for NumberFields - bf6687d9 integrated OSPF with schema - 4ec77f0f make isort - e03e464b minor bugfix for the integrations - 104f2e3b integrated L2TP with schema - c85c9933 added PaddingField & bugfix in BitField - 5affdfd3 make isort - 358ae6f5 updated files - 2647a963 integrated Ethernet with schema - 10a40e4e minor bugfix for PayloadField and ARP methods - 9cab5028 minor revision on Header - 8b5397f6 integrated ARP with schema - 9b2cdcc1 added placeholders - 5b7a0bcf integrated ARP with schema - 885cc5e2 integrated Link with schema - 8f8704b5 bugfix in Header schema (enum length) - 7cc93e69 keep length in arg list for - 7ebfe06c updated files - d016593f integrated Frame with schema - d5763fd8 support packing Schema instance in PayloadField - 66bfe68b updated files - 8dbcf88f integrated Header with schema - 1cdc0e7c integrated Raw with schema - 7b8e66fa minor revision for pcapkit.protocols.__all__ - 526f873f revised schema pack & unpack flow - b8e0ad59 integrated NoPayload with schema - fa7140bf added field instance to callback arg list - c9d13c99 added callback function to fields - c46f8b63 renamed number fields by their lengths - 1ae9a383 make isort - f453a8d7 intergrated schema into protocol & revised read/make flow - d31a9337 revised schema implementation (preparing for Protocol integration) - a8cccc61 moved schema form corekit to protocols module - 6c6fb947 added Data base class for protocol data models - d2d56bc8 renamed DataType & RegType as Data & Enum - f8a79bd7 updated with schema fields - accf830a added init_subclass to Protocol to set schema upon class creation & added NoPayload schema as default - 78fb6060 used IO[bytes] instead of BytesIO - c5c48070 call post_init after from_dict in Schema construction - 2d96e847 downgrade shpinx-autodoc-typehints - 3ffde30a bugfix for github pages action - 381c4688 updated vendor & const - aa640b7a bugfix for circular imports in fields - 70d57306 revised default value settings in fields & schema - 3bd9330d added some util methods for schema - 7a17d2bd updated pcapkit.all - 95baabc9 implemented protocol schema - ebb845af minor revision on Info magic methods' argument list - 260566cb minor revision on field attributes and properties - 821bd45e added length for payload fields - 19b98fc9 revised fields implementation * revised un/pack flow * length can be a callback * added packet info to un/pack and pre/post-process * added another layer of aubstraction for text fields - 9977bba1 reorgnised fields hirarchy * added _Field for internal base field * added PayloadField * need to review field mechanism - 1451a77e revised field impl * seperate conditional fields * revised number fields (with more presets) * bugfix in bit fields * added pack/unpack methods for general processing flow - 19441990 moved fields to corekit - 567650cc Scheduled weekly dependency update for week 05 (#129) - e4c49bdf implemented protocol fields - 06db201b profiling pcapkit - 9487681f Update sphinx-autodoc-typehints from 1.19.4 to 1.19.5 (#123) - 1cbda653 bugfix for github pages - 5522d14b bugfix for github pages - 7b30d703 bugfix for github pages - 946cf059 bugfix for github pages - 4b045787 bugfix for distro workflow - 8205e8f5 version compat bugfix for minus 3.9 - 8d9cc217 bugfix for github pages deployment action - 789e4925 bugfix for github pages action - 8a522d38 bugfix for github pages action - d14a9a56 removed Pipfile.lock - 4d67f5e8 Update sphinx from 5.2.3 to 5.3.0 (#122) - 8a695117 Updated Pipfile.lock at Mon Oct 31 12:17:40 UTC 2022 - 0f8d2e11 Updated Pipfile.lock at Mon Oct 24 12:19:48 UTC 2022 - 3e0d8011 Updated Pipfile.lock at Mon Oct 17 17:39:21 UTC 2022 - e28b8708 Scheduled weekly dependency update for week 41 (#119) - 5077295b Updated Pipfile.lock at Mon Oct 10 12:18:29 UTC 2022 - 0687cf69 Updated Pipfile.lock at Mon Oct 3 12:12:05 UTC 2022 - 45883c10 Update sphinx from 5.1.1 to 5.2.1 (#118) - ab1e8e2d Updated Pipfile.lock at Mon Sep 26 12:16:26 UTC 2022 - 7617898f Updated Pipfile.lock at Mon Sep 19 12:18:21 UTC 2022 - 912cc48e Updated Pipfile.lock at Mon Sep 12 12:15:41 UTC 2022 - f13f68c4 Updated Pipfile.lock at Mon Aug 29 12:15:24 UTC 2022 - b089e94a Updated Pipfile.lock at Mon Aug 22 12:14:28 UTC 2022 - cccfb40d Merge branch 'master' of - 602811e6 Scheduled weekly dependency update for week 33 (#117) - 20d06740 Updated Pipfile.lock at Mon Aug 15 12:15:15 UTC 2022 - 91f4ef2b Updated Pipfile.lock at Mon Aug 8 12:13:55 UTC 2022 - dc06bc58 bumped version to 0.16.3 - f572c7a6 revised build chain (#114) - fe8139c8 bugfix in reassembly property caches - 3ab1f983 bugfix in README (for PyPI compliance) 2023-04-21T17:38:25+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.0.0b11 PyPCAPKit v1.0.0b11 2023-04-22T02:53:24+00:00 - f68ec855 Bumped version to 1.0.0b11 - 1ba549e1 bugfix for distro workflow - 20cb0f26 Bumped version to 1.0.0b10 - dac56d14 use multi matrix for distro - 3e1a5c44 Bumped version to 1.0.0b10 - 6e682444 working on conda workflow - 0ea3f01e check if tag exists - 0669f972 bugfix in release (version cmp) - e544b47d release only on new versions - da295657 release only on new versions - 2af128e7 Merge branch 'main' of - 34a9197e minor revision on vendor update action 2023-04-22T02:53:24+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.0.0b12 PyPCAPKit v1.0.0b12 2023-04-22T03:14:39+00:00 - 419833d1 Bumped version to 1.0.0b12 - 12cddce3 pypi distro is universal - f68ec855 Bumped version to 1.0.0b11 - 1ba549e1 bugfix for distro workflow 2023-04-22T03:14:39+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.0.0b13 PyPCAPKit v1.0.0b13 2023-04-22T03:24:41+00:00 - cd03852a Bumped version to 1.0.0b13 - 63baf53e Update create-release.yml - aa61222f bugfix in pypi distro python version - 419833d1 Bumped version to 1.0.0b12 - 12cddce3 pypi distro is universal 2023-04-22T03:24:41+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.0.0b14 PyPCAPKit v1.0.0b14 2023-04-22T03:50:18+00:00 - cfcc73d7 Bumped version to 1.0.0b14 - 70530963 ignore tests (for now) - fa087e9d trigger release actions - 4d05757e Update create-release.yml - cd03852a Bumped version to 1.0.0b13 - 63baf53e Update create-release.yml - aa61222f bugfix in pypi distro python version 2023-04-22T03:50:18+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.0.0b15 PyPCAPKit v1.0.0b15 2023-04-22T04:29:13+00:00 - b82acc23 Bumped version to 1.0.0b15 - 4bfc2565 trigger release - cac82034 conda label - cfcc73d7 Bumped version to 1.0.0b14 - 70530963 ignore tests (for now) - fa087e9d trigger release actions - 4d05757e Update create-release.yml 2023-04-22T04:29:13+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.0.0b16 PyPCAPKit v1.0.0b16 2023-04-22T04:57:56+00:00 - b59bfce8 Bumped version to 1.0.0b16 - 2f760f4c trigger release - aebc21c3 use global version in pcapkit-vendor - 77d789c5 bug fix for label - b82acc23 Bumped version to 1.0.0b15 - 4bfc2565 trigger release - cac82034 conda label 2023-04-22T04:57:56+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.0.0b17 PyPCAPKit v1.0.0b17 2023-04-22T05:15:40+00:00 - 8076dee3 Bumped version to 1.0.0b17 - 55094f69 trigger release - 11c99977 bug fix for label output - b59bfce8 Bumped version to 1.0.0b16 - 2f760f4c trigger release - aebc21c3 use global version in pcapkit-vendor - 77d789c5 bug fix for label 2023-04-22T05:15:40+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.0.0b18 PyPCAPKit v1.0.0b18 2023-04-22T05:57:52+00:00 - 7d567f41 Bumped version to 1.0.0b18 - 6d4b6f13 trigger release - 1525df45 ignore 3.6/7 for conda - 8076dee3 Bumped version to 1.0.0b17 - 55094f69 trigger release - 11c99977 bug fix for label output 2023-04-22T05:57:52+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.0.0b19 PyPCAPKit v1.0.0b19 2023-04-24T05:44:36+00:00 - 0f83ea57 Bumped version to 1.0.0b19 - 7c8a37bd working on pcapng schemas (option done, SHB done) - b40b262a added pcapng option type vendor/const - e2017818 use of typing.Self - c7f5f06b sort whole project upon commit - 2b97db98 only sort pcapkit.const in actions - ed10fc60 general revision - a03300c5 release on tag - 90da7ea0 Merge branch 'main' of - 565cf693 bugfix in - 1192ecd3 Update tbtrim requirement from ~=0.3.0 to ~=0.3.1 (#134) - ae547557 Update dictdumper requirement from ~=0.8.0 to ~=0.8.4 (#135) - 3bc4a8a7 no changes - 7d567f41 Bumped version to 1.0.0b18 - 6d4b6f13 trigger release - 1525df45 ignore 3.6/7 for conda 2023-04-24T05:44:36+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.0.0b20 PyPCAPKit v1.0.0b20 2023-04-24T11:24:18+00:00 - dcf49ef4 Bumped version to 1.0.0b20 - db8aa9dc working on pcapng schemas (NRB & option done) - 18e0b4af added pcapng NRB record type vendor/const - c1e74e01 added pcapng option type vendor/const (ns options) - 3cfc8ede revised schema.pre/post_process signature & usage (added __packet__ to Schema init call as well) - 0b92cd4f working on pcapng schemas (SPB & option done) - 2bdb1f9b working on pcapng schemas (EPB & option done) - f202b67d sort vendor imports as well - 276751b5 working on pcapng schemas (IDB & option done) - a85c78a3 added pcapng option type vendor/const (if options) - 859682e1 revised IP fields * renamed IPField to IPAddressField (v4/v6) * added IPInterfaceField (v4/v6) - 0f83ea57 Bumped version to 1.0.0b19 - 7c8a37bd working on pcapng schemas (option done, SHB done) - b40b262a added pcapng option type vendor/const - e2017818 use of typing.Self - c7f5f06b sort whole project upon commit - 2b97db98 only sort pcapkit.const in actions - ed10fc60 general revision - a03300c5 release on tag - 90da7ea0 Merge branch 'main' of - 565cf693 bugfix in - 1192ecd3 Update tbtrim requirement from ~=0.3.0 to ~=0.3.1 (#134) - ae547557 Update dictdumper requirement from ~=0.8.0 to ~=0.8.4 (#135) - 3bc4a8a7 no changes 2023-04-24T11:24:18+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.0.0b21 PyPCAPKit v1.0.0b21 2023-04-26T08:08:24+00:00 - 7adc41cf Bumped version to 1.0.0b21 - 33cda9b7 working on pcapng (data model done, revised header schema) - b23cf6a5 updated Data typing info - 2ec51d5a added __post_init__ to Info - 75006b0c added pcapng filter_type vendor/const - a44946e1 no changes - b0465908 exit on error for bash - 99fa93c7 bugfix in pcapng - 0d858f8e updated pcapng const/vendor docs - c0e65296 pcapng imports - 94b68f70 make isort - 4b82b94a pcapng schemas done - c07c9b0c type comment fix - 1b99c324 updated pcapng option_type with Packet Block options - d53a0ac6 added pcapng secrets_type vendor/const - 78d0cf94 bugfix in number fields (negative bit_length) - a07952e1 minor changes to Raw schema (removed unnecessary args) - b397b093 sort vendor/const when make isort - 147c054a revised fields length usage (for packing) - c074ea8f revised docs req - 019588f9 Merge branch 'main' of - b3c59c71 Scheduled weekly dependency update for week 17 (#136) - 582a8d68 working on pcapng schemas (systemd journal export block done) - 4fb5e870 working on pcapng schemas (ISB & option done) - 694cefc2 Merge branch 'main' of - 51bec4e5 added pcapng ISB record type vendor/const - dcf49ef4 Bumped version to 1.0.0b20 - db8aa9dc working on pcapng schemas (NRB & option done) - 18e0b4af added pcapng NRB record type vendor/const - c1e74e01 added pcapng option type vendor/const (ns options) - 3cfc8ede revised schema.pre/post_process signature & usage (added __packet__ to Schema init call as well) - 0b92cd4f working on pcapng schemas (SPB & option done) - 2bdb1f9b working on pcapng schemas (EPB & option done) - f202b67d sort vendor imports as well - 276751b5 working on pcapng schemas (IDB & option done) - a85c78a3 added pcapng option type vendor/const (if options) - 859682e1 revised IP fields * renamed IPField to IPAddressField (v4/v6) * added IPInterfaceField (v4/v6) 2023-04-26T08:08:24+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.0.0rc1 PyPCAPKit v1.0.0rc1 2023-05-04T06:22:48+00:00 - f7104d3a bugfix in create release action - a284431b bugfix in create release action - 968dfc1e bumped version to 1.0.0rc1 - 11851893 updated sample output - 0396511c revised pcapng schema (set section length to -1 if needed) - a5654f8a bugfix in PCAPNG docstrings - 9b53763a added pcapng docs - 27774a36 updated docs (general fix) - 3e04b57e minor bugfix for pcapng protocol (method name typo) - 1a6aea9a make isort - edd1c078 finished implementation of PCAPNG protocol - e67088c0 added pcapng samples - 428c60cc general cleanup for PCAPNG engine - c59a387a updated docs for warning/exception changes - 10775075 bugfix in PCAPNG protocol - 2d4256a1 bugfix in PCAPNG schema - 6507d474 added Protocol._get_payload for customisable payload retrieving methods - 32ad44a3 bugfix in schema - 54cbba03 bugfix for PCAP Frame timestamp out of range handling - dbca330b bugfix for PCAPNG engine init - a29e9fdb quiet on MultiDict.get - d85cfac4 bugfix in fields (added length property and revised __call__) - 88c0a2cc added SchemaWarning - b19fee0a added pcapng test files - 9950e0d7 revised switch field arglist (removed length) - fc657f19 added pycharm profiles - 7eb43a6e revised Extractor input file extension check - e409b9a2 added test_pcapng - afa20e7b revised PCAP Frame timestamp handling - 383bc323 working on pcapng protocol impl (added all block parsing) - c999984a working on pcapng protocol impl (added IDB parsing) - d13ff171 bugfix for circular imports in PCAPNG protocol - f618b521 make isort - 43e62583 working on pcapng protocol impl (added all secrets/records) - 945242c3 make isort - 49049586 revised PCAP Frame timestamp making process - 468bbcf2 working on pcapng protocol impl (added all options parsing/making) - 873dd6c8 Update requirements.txt - c4bceebb Scheduled weekly dependency update for week 18 (#137) - d7d491be working on pcapng protocol impl (added PACK options making) - 4ba37227 make isort - acd2823f working on pcapng protocol impl (added ISB & PACK options parsing) - 56daf530 working on pcapng protocol impl (added NRB options) - dc87cba0 working on pcapng protocol impl (added EPB options) - 755a3624 added namespace check of options - 3fb3b9c2 revised pcapng schema for the redesign of OptionType enum - a2fd7fed revised const/vendor for _missing_ & type hints - f8958ab4 working on pcapng protocol impl (added IF options) - 83127277 working on pcapng protocol impl (adding IF options) - 9cd07ad4 working on pcapng protocol impl (added general opts) - b276e8b2 added custom option enums for direct reference - d58a1a0a working on pcapng protocol impl (added shb & option generic handling) - 965130fe bugfix in doc for TCP - 693621fd added CustomOption schema/data - 3e4b3e8e updated sample output - ffc13c6c make isort - 54566967 revised schema's packet context usage * added packet param to SchemaField * use packet arg in SchemaField.un/pack as __packet__ dict key * added docs for OptionField's __option_padding__ dict key * added snaplen for PCAPNG engine extraction process (for ISB) * revised usage of callback functions in schemas * bugfix in PCAPNG schema for PayloadField usage - e8e715b5 make isort - 2af3f994 renamed Schema.pre_process as pre_unpack; added .pre_pack - dfac5d17 revised default dumper object_hook - dde3420d working on pcapng protocol impl (added unknown block read/make) - b52bd7ca bugfix in PCAPNG schema typing annotations - c42248c2 removed packets attribute from PCAPNG context (unused) - 5f50a738 make isort - 9715d381 revised dpkt engine workflow - 49e57bbe working on pcapng protocol impl (added _make_data, _decode_next_layer) - 74707ebc removed unnecessary call in scapy engine - ecbb99d8 revised Extractor * added PCAPNG engine support * bugfix in engine module mapping * added magic_number property - 429f1a09 revised 3rd party engines (no need to call builtin engine) - 1dfd66b2 bugfix in PCAPNG secrets name mapping - 8fdc205e make isort - 8a9a2a65 added registry method to PCAPNG - d021ade4 working on pcapng protocol impl (make done) - 92da1a28 updated docs for HTTP/2 - 7ebd4cfd working on pcapng protocol impl (read done) - 37387739 updated docs for Frame - 58d979c9 bugfix in Frame (~._data should be the entire packet) - 9efaca9a bugfix for Extractor.read_frames (no return) - fc79049f updated docs for PCAPNG engine - 70f1c221 make isort - c3df3648 working on pcapng protocol impl * added context/nanosecond/linktype properties & revised name * added pack/unpack impl with self._ctx support * added __post_init__ to define the init args - 0ea78420 revised first block processing in pcapng engine - 5e01e59d updated docs for DeprecatedFormatWarning - 5ddbdb66 added DeprecatedFormatWarning - 23b737b3 added checks for interface ID in packet related blocks - 689feeb7 implemented PCAPNG engine support - 7f6de7b4 added necessary attributes to PCAPNG data models for compatibility support - 25f216f4 implemented toolkit functions for PCAPNG - aeee9a17 working on pcapng protocol impl - bca119c3 working on pcapng engine - 5d86eb27 renamed pcapkit.toolkit.default as pcapkit.toolkit.pcap - 9290f655 bugfix in data imports - e49e463e updated extraction typings - cc726906 make isort - fd3cee56 revised engines & extraction * merged unnecessary properties to engine instance * updated docs accordingly - 4744f08d working on pcapng protocol impl (added default mappings) - 4c95a769 make isort - edef4a40 added unknown secrets data model & header schema - 9014c8b2 updated docs for PCAP Frame - 63fce1d8 working on pcapng protocol impl - 74916c62 bugfix for PCAPNG schema with a generic BlockType - b782149b updated Enum output format in dumpkit & updated sample outputs - da9a08b7 bugfix in Frame._decode_next_layer for NoPayload compat - 02912e2c bugfix in NumberField for default bitmask - cbd7034d added test_tcp for TCP options test - 66d24e2d WIP: 33cda9b7 working on pcapng (data model done, revised header schema) 2023-05-04T06:22:48+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.0.0 PyPCAPKit v1.0.0 2023-05-09T02:11:44+00:00 - 8b7d9cb4 bumped version to 1.0.0 - abe00ee5 updated pep docs - c3549b7d added vermin config - f1950035 updated license copyright year - 0079c3c6 minor revision for docs - 814c8745 minor revision on scapy engine (dont use scapy.all) - 6311fb00 added pyperf test case - 7870f494 minor revision on scapy toolkit - 231e5eac Update builtin.rst - 4ad7df1f Update pep.rst - b80f08be added Context to docs - f7104d3a bugfix in create release action - a284431b bugfix in create release action - 968dfc1e bumped version to 1.0.0rc1 - 11851893 updated sample output - 0396511c revised pcapng schema (set section length to -1 if needed) - a5654f8a bugfix in PCAPNG docstrings - 9b53763a added pcapng docs - 27774a36 updated docs (general fix) - 3e04b57e minor bugfix for pcapng protocol (method name typo) - 1a6aea9a make isort - edd1c078 finished implementation of PCAPNG protocol - e67088c0 added pcapng samples - 428c60cc general cleanup for PCAPNG engine - c59a387a updated docs for warning/exception changes - 10775075 bugfix in PCAPNG protocol - 2d4256a1 bugfix in PCAPNG schema - 6507d474 added Protocol._get_payload for customisable payload retrieving methods - 32ad44a3 bugfix in schema - 54cbba03 bugfix for PCAP Frame timestamp out of range handling - dbca330b bugfix for PCAPNG engine init - a29e9fdb quiet on MultiDict.get - d85cfac4 bugfix in fields (added length property and revised __call__) - 88c0a2cc added SchemaWarning - b19fee0a added pcapng test files - 9950e0d7 revised switch field arglist (removed length) - fc657f19 added pycharm profiles - 7eb43a6e revised Extractor input file extension check - e409b9a2 added test_pcapng - afa20e7b revised PCAP Frame timestamp handling - 383bc323 working on pcapng protocol impl (added all block parsing) - c999984a working on pcapng protocol impl (added IDB parsing) - d13ff171 bugfix for circular imports in PCAPNG protocol - f618b521 make isort - 43e62583 working on pcapng protocol impl (added all secrets/records) - 945242c3 make isort - 49049586 revised PCAP Frame timestamp making process - 468bbcf2 working on pcapng protocol impl (added all options parsing/making) - 873dd6c8 Update requirements.txt - c4bceebb Scheduled weekly dependency update for week 18 (#137) - d7d491be working on pcapng protocol impl (added PACK options making) - 4ba37227 make isort - acd2823f working on pcapng protocol impl (added ISB & PACK options parsing) - 56daf530 working on pcapng protocol impl (added NRB options) - dc87cba0 working on pcapng protocol impl (added EPB options) - 755a3624 added namespace check of options - 3fb3b9c2 revised pcapng schema for the redesign of OptionType enum - a2fd7fed revised const/vendor for _missing_ & type hints - f8958ab4 working on pcapng protocol impl (added IF options) - 83127277 working on pcapng protocol impl (adding IF options) - 9cd07ad4 working on pcapng protocol impl (added general opts) - b276e8b2 added custom option enums for direct reference - d58a1a0a working on pcapng protocol impl (added shb & option generic handling) - 965130fe bugfix in doc for TCP - 693621fd added CustomOption schema/data - 3e4b3e8e updated sample output - ffc13c6c make isort - 54566967 revised schema's packet context usage * added packet param to SchemaField * use packet arg in SchemaField.un/pack as __packet__ dict key * added docs for OptionField's __option_padding__ dict key * added snaplen for PCAPNG engine extraction process (for ISB) * revised usage of callback functions in schemas * bugfix in PCAPNG schema for PayloadField usage - e8e715b5 make isort - 2af3f994 renamed Schema.pre_process as pre_unpack; added .pre_pack - dfac5d17 revised default dumper object_hook - dde3420d working on pcapng protocol impl (added unknown block read/make) - b52bd7ca bugfix in PCAPNG schema typing annotations - c42248c2 removed packets attribute from PCAPNG context (unused) - 5f50a738 make isort - 9715d381 revised dpkt engine workflow - 49e57bbe working on pcapng protocol impl (added _make_data, _decode_next_layer) - 74707ebc removed unnecessary call in scapy engine - ecbb99d8 revised Extractor * added PCAPNG engine support * bugfix in engine module mapping * added magic_number property - 429f1a09 revised 3rd party engines (no need to call builtin engine) - 1dfd66b2 bugfix in PCAPNG secrets name mapping - 8fdc205e make isort - 8a9a2a65 added registry method to PCAPNG - d021ade4 working on pcapng protocol impl (make done) - 92da1a28 updated docs for HTTP/2 - 7ebd4cfd working on pcapng protocol impl (read done) - 37387739 updated docs for Frame - 58d979c9 bugfix in Frame (~._data should be the entire packet) - 9efaca9a bugfix for Extractor.read_frames (no return) - fc79049f updated docs for PCAPNG engine - 70f1c221 make isort - c3df3648 working on pcapng protocol impl * added context/nanosecond/linktype properties & revised name * added pack/unpack impl with self._ctx support * added __post_init__ to define the init args - 0ea78420 revised first block processing in pcapng engine - 5e01e59d updated docs for DeprecatedFormatWarning - 5ddbdb66 added DeprecatedFormatWarning - 23b737b3 added checks for interface ID in packet related blocks - 689feeb7 implemented PCAPNG engine support - 7f6de7b4 added necessary attributes to PCAPNG data models for compatibility support - 25f216f4 implemented toolkit functions for PCAPNG - aeee9a17 working on pcapng protocol impl - bca119c3 working on pcapng engine - 5d86eb27 renamed pcapkit.toolkit.default as pcapkit.toolkit.pcap - 9290f655 bugfix in data imports - e49e463e updated extraction typings - cc726906 make isort - fd3cee56 revised engines & extraction * merged unnecessary properties to engine instance * updated docs accordingly - 4744f08d working on pcapng protocol impl (added default mappings) - 4c95a769 make isort - edef4a40 added unknown secrets data model & header schema - 9014c8b2 updated docs for PCAP Frame - 63fce1d8 working on pcapng protocol impl - 74916c62 bugfix for PCAPNG schema with a generic BlockType - b782149b updated Enum output format in dumpkit & updated sample outputs - da9a08b7 bugfix in Frame._decode_next_layer for NoPayload compat - 02912e2c bugfix in NumberField for default bitmask - cbd7034d added test_tcp for TCP options test - 66d24e2d WIP: 33cda9b7 working on pcapng (data model done, revised header schema) 2023-05-09T02:11:44+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.0.1 PyPCAPKit v1.0.1 2023-05-14T15:40:58+00:00 - 6ddd2f50 bumped version to 1.0.1 - f1a998f0 updated readme for time benchmark - aeb72729 pre-finalise infoclass to save runtime - 43cf904f pre-finalise schema to save runtime - 8b7d9cb4 bumped version to 1.0.0 - abe00ee5 updated pep docs - c3549b7d added vermin config - f1950035 updated license copyright year - 0079c3c6 minor revision for docs - 814c8745 minor revision on scapy engine (dont use scapy.all) - 6311fb00 added pyperf test case - 7870f494 minor revision on scapy toolkit - 231e5eac Update builtin.rst - 4ad7df1f Update pep.rst - b80f08be added Context to docs 2023-05-14T15:40:58+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.0.1.post1 PyPCAPKit v1.0.1.post1 2023-05-17T10:07:11+00:00 - a89b5b49 Bumped version to 1.0.1.post1 - bce11119 bugfix in default vendor for code generation template - c6debe37 make isort - cd47c993 bugfix in default vendor for code generation template - fd8e27e7 added MH CGA related const/vendor - 561c0372 moved isort after vendor change check - 99d480f6 revised MH AuthSubtyp names - 8470b854 revised info/schema_final type annotations - e2236929 make isort - 91c64f1a minor bugfix in protocols - 55cde1b3 added MH LLA Option Code const/vendor - 0438f267 Update index.rst - d3bef085 Update README.rst - 6ddd2f50 bumped version to 1.0.1 - f1a998f0 updated readme for time benchmark - aeb72729 pre-finalise infoclass to save runtime - 43cf904f pre-finalise schema to save runtime - 8b7d9cb4 bumped version to 1.0.0 - abe00ee5 updated pep docs - c3549b7d added vermin config - f1950035 updated license copyright year - 0079c3c6 minor revision for docs - 814c8745 minor revision on scapy engine (dont use scapy.all) - 6311fb00 added pyperf test case - 7870f494 minor revision on scapy toolkit - 231e5eac Update builtin.rst - 4ad7df1f Update pep.rst - b80f08be added Context to docs 2023-05-17T10:07:11+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.0.1.post2 PyPCAPKit v1.0.1.post2 2023-05-20T10:13:02+00:00 - 9afb7157 Bumped version to 1.0.1.post2 - 689bd26a working on MH protocol impl (message types) - 7c3a8279 working on MH protocol impl (message types) - a33af0d4 make isort - 2ebca5ec working on MH protocol impl (message types) - 373b6510 minor bugfix in PCAPNG constructor func - 4b46cf56 working on MH protocol impl (options) - 1319659d revised info/schema_final decorators - 03b930d8 working on MH protocol impl (options) - a89b5b49 Bumped version to 1.0.1.post1 - bce11119 bugfix in default vendor for code generation template - c6debe37 make isort - cd47c993 bugfix in default vendor for code generation template - fd8e27e7 added MH CGA related const/vendor - 561c0372 moved isort after vendor change check - 99d480f6 revised MH AuthSubtyp names - 8470b854 revised info/schema_final type annotations - e2236929 make isort - 91c64f1a minor bugfix in protocols - 55cde1b3 added MH LLA Option Code const/vendor - 0438f267 Update index.rst - d3bef085 Update README.rst 2023-05-20T10:13:02+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.0.1.post3 PyPCAPKit v1.0.1.post3 2023-05-27T10:10:58+00:00 - d5b14258 Bumped version to 1.0.1.post3 - ac33339d make isort - 60055ffe Merge branch 'main' of - 27467f10 working on MH protocol impl (message types) - 6d1853bd added MH Binding Error Status Code vendor/const - c30c8f09 revised Protocol._make_index overload signatures - c6ed3692 bugfix in MH vendor crawler links & regenerated MH const - 9afb7157 Bumped version to 1.0.1.post2 - 689bd26a working on MH protocol impl (message types) - 7c3a8279 working on MH protocol impl (message types) - a33af0d4 make isort - 2ebca5ec working on MH protocol impl (message types) - 373b6510 minor bugfix in PCAPNG constructor func - 4b46cf56 working on MH protocol impl (options) - 1319659d revised info/schema_final decorators - 03b930d8 working on MH protocol impl (options) 2023-05-27T10:10:58+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.0.2 PyPCAPKit v1.0.2 2023-06-05T10:50:26+00:00 - d684a4f9 bumped version to 1.0.2 - d862649a added wheel_rename to handle python tags in wheel distro - dfb6d231 bugfix in numbers fields for version compat (use of | in types) - a2556621 revised setup req (bpc deps update) - 43311967 Merge branch 'main' of - 3b3e83bc updated readme - eb872766 clean up unused imports - e3b6af63 replaced decimal.localcontext usage with compat version (bugfix #139) - 9af2733d added decimal.localcontext for compat (kwarg support, bugfix #139) - a78145a8 updated readme - 3041e994 added decimal.localcontext for compat (kwarg) - 588e45a8 Update README.rst - 3abfb3cf build doc on pull requests 2023-06-05T10:50:26+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.0.2.post1 PyPCAPKit v1.0.2.post1 2023-06-05T11:05:37+00:00 2023-06-05T11:05:37+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.0.2.post2 PyPCAPKit v1.0.2.post2 2023-06-07T06:09:25+00:00 2023-06-07T06:09:25+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.0.2.post3 PyPCAPKit v1.0.2.post3 2023-06-07T06:15:30+00:00 2023-06-07T06:15:30+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.0.2.post4 PyPCAPKit v1.0.2.post4 2023-06-07T07:42:12+00:00 2023-06-07T07:42:12+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.0.2.post5 PyPCAPKit v1.0.2.post5 2023-06-07T10:46:51+00:00 2023-06-07T10:46:51+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.0.2.post6 PyPCAPKit v1.0.2.post6 2023-06-10T10:15:51+00:00 2023-06-10T10:15:51+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.0.2.post7 PyPCAPKit v1.0.2.post7 2023-06-17T10:17:49+00:00 2023-06-17T10:17:49+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.0.2.post8 PyPCAPKit v1.0.2.post8 2023-06-27T10:42:44+00:00 2023-06-27T10:42:44+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.0.3 PyPCAPKit v1.0.3 2023-06-29T05:22:53+00:00 2023-06-29T05:22:53+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.0.3.post1 PyPCAPKit v1.0.3.post1 2023-06-30T02:50:49+00:00 2023-06-30T02:50:49+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.0.3.post2 PyPCAPKit v1.0.3.post2 2023-07-03T16:27:47+00:00 2023-07-03T16:27:47+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.0.3.post3 PyPCAPKit v1.0.3.post3 2023-07-04T04:33:34+00:00 2023-07-04T04:33:34+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.1.0 PyPCAPKit v1.1.0 2023-07-09T07:59:03+00:00 2023-07-09T07:59:03+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.1.0.post1 PyPCAPKit v1.1.0.post1 2023-07-09T08:01:33+00:00 2023-07-09T08:01:33+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.1.0.post2 PyPCAPKit v1.1.0.post2 2023-08-05T10:15:23+00:00 2023-08-05T10:15:23+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.1.0.post3 PyPCAPKit v1.1.0.post3 2023-08-12T10:07:16+00:00 2023-08-12T10:07:16+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.1.1 PyPCAPKit v1.1.1 2023-08-15T09:03:33+00:00 - 135fcee bumped version to 1.1.1 - c02dbb0 `make isort` - 7b1a6ce setting up gha release for PyPI TP - 6ed07a3 customised dumper handling for `Schema` - 7011788 bugfix in `toolkit` for port enum value usage - 3128248 bugfix in `Extractor` * raise unsupported call on reassembly/trace if needed * add logging message for reassembly/trace enable notification * udpated docstring for more reassembly/trace args * bugfix for #155 - 64abffd bugfix for traceflow output file name determination - 2f93444 revised `Protocol` & `Info` repr - e3dd2ef bugfix for `AppType` enum - 771a378 version compat bugfix for `typing.TypeAlias` - 43226a8 revised test cases 2023-08-15T09:03:33+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.1.1.post1 PyPCAPKit v1.1.1.post1 2023-08-19T10:13:14+00:00 2023-08-19T10:13:14+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.1.1.post2 PyPCAPKit v1.1.1.post2 2023-08-23T03:19:18+00:00 2023-08-23T03:19:18+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.2.0 PyPCAPKit v1.2.0 2023-08-26T11:32:11+00:00 ## What's Changed `` now supports binary I/O streams as its `fin` argument. - 0385725 bumped version to 1.2.0 - fea5833 revised test cases - 94b207c working on #156 * added no_eof flag to Extractor (not raising EOFError when empty input) * updated Extractor and interface arglist * revised CLI arglist * bugfix in SeekableReader * disable buffering in bufferred file * bugfix in seek when beyond end of existing contents (force read to allow more data) * removed unnecessary buffer write in peek - 2a49b6f added test samples (file/stream) - 89ba112 updated docs (`SeekableReader`) - 8a36384 working on #156 * implemented `SeekableReader` in `corekit` to handle non-seekable fin streams * integrated `SeekableReader` into `Extractor` * added `SeekableReader` related warnings & exceptions * updated `Extractor` arglist & interface arglist * revised CLI arglist - 36acc65 no changes - 4c6eee4 working on #156 * `Extractor` support binary IO as fin * updated `interface` * added `_flag_s` to `Extractor` to control cleanup actions (when fin is binary IO) * revised test sample Special thanks to @newinnovations for suggesting the new feature! 2023-08-26T11:32:11+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.2.1 PyPCAPKit v1.2.1 2023-08-27T14:25:12+00:00 - 0e66f4b bumped version to 1.2.1 - 5b74517 bugfix in `SeekableReader` * bugfix for re-writing existing buffered data to file * revised recursion usage to while-true in `Extractor` (for no-eof) * revised warn logging - 709233d revised `SeekableReader` * smarter buffer refill at seek * added `buffer_path` to CLI * revised runtime EOF handling & ctrl-C proc * added `ExtractionWarning` for runtime EOF reports 2023-08-27T14:25:12+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.2.2.dev0 PyPCAPKit v1.2.2.dev0 2023-08-27T14:57:46+00:00 - 90310da5 bumped version to 1.2.2.dev0 - 605123d2 revised release action 2023-08-27T14:57:46+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.2.1.post1 PyPCAPKit v1.2.1.post1 2023-08-28T14:01:13+00:00 - 1fab5d31 Bumped version to 1.2.1.post1 - 77952705 trigger workflow - 8be283db Bumped build to 1 - 152351aa Merge branch 'main' of - f62a69ff trigger conda release - abd818e9 Scheduled weekly dependency update for week 34 (#159) - 9f5abce6 Bump sphinx from 7.1.2 to 7.2.2 (#158) - 0f9a163e Bump furo from 2023.7.26 to 2023.8.19 (#157) - 61ed6cb7 reverted version to 1.2.1 - 90310da5 bumped version to 1.2.2.dev0 - 605123d2 revised release action 2023-08-28T14:01:13+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.2.1.post2 PyPCAPKit v1.2.1.post2 2023-09-02T10:06:33+00:00 - b9e64586 Bumped version to 1.2.1.post2 - a6fe49ec Bump sphinx from 7.2.2 to 7.2.4 (#160) 2023-09-02T10:06:33+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.2.1.post3 PyPCAPKit v1.2.1.post3 2023-09-09T10:06:58+00:00 - 3067cd29 Bumped version to 1.2.1.post3 - 90baed0f Update sphinx from 7.2.4 to 7.2.5 (#163) - e4037f4d Bump sphinx from 7.2.4 to 7.2.5 (#162) - 292aae09 Bump soupsieve from 2.4.1 to 2.5 (#161) 2023-09-09T10:06:58+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.2.2 PyPCAPKit v1.2.2 2023-09-14T13:20:34+00:00 2023-09-14T13:20:34+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.2.2.post1 PyPCAPKit v1.2.2.post1 2023-09-30T10:15:11+00:00 2023-09-30T10:15:11+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.2.2.post2 PyPCAPKit v1.2.2.post2 2023-10-04T01:51:20+00:00 - 800bd599 Bumped version to 1.2.2.post2 - c3a79e78 revised Field metaclass - 1b638cc8 renamed _Engine as EngineBase - ce4752ad revised Engine metaclass - 3a64424d revised sphinx-doc config - 516d976f clean up for docs - c533ee7b revised registry funcs for general compatibility - 6ff2add2 integrated ModuleDescriptor to Internet protocol registry - f88eed96 make isort - 03e60f3f integrated ModuleDescriptor to TraceFlow dumper registry - 90d06146 Bumped build to 1 - ad17f1d1 make isort - 2bf27bb7 revised beholder decorator to add error logging on devmode and verbose mode - cdcee657 integrated ModuleDescriptor into registries - 4481fa23 added version property to VersionInfo & revised __str__ - 0ad8fb30 implemented ModuleDescriptor namedtuple for holding import info - 120f372c Bumped version to 1.2.2.post1 - 74fcbfa0 Bumped build to 2 - 5f05407d Bumped build to 1 - 7be0396b Update furo from 2023.8.19 to 2023.9.10 (#165) - 21f81bcb Bump furo from 2023.8.19 to 2023.9.10 (#164) - f9558935 bumped version to 1.2.2 - 4f3e2f5c bugfix for #166 - 3067cd29 Bumped version to 1.2.1.post3 - 90baed0f Update sphinx from 7.2.4 to 7.2.5 (#163) - e4037f4d Bump sphinx from 7.2.4 to 7.2.5 (#162) - 292aae09 Bump soupsieve from 2.4.1 to 2.5 (#161) - b9e64586 Bumped version to 1.2.1.post2 - a6fe49ec Bump sphinx from 7.2.2 to 7.2.4 (#160) - 1fab5d31 Bumped version to 1.2.1.post1 - 77952705 trigger workflow - 8be283db Bumped build to 1 - 152351aa Merge branch 'main' of - f62a69ff trigger conda release - abd818e9 Scheduled weekly dependency update for week 34 (#159) - 9f5abce6 Bump sphinx from 7.1.2 to 7.2.2 (#158) - 0f9a163e Bump furo from 2023.7.26 to 2023.8.19 (#157) - 61ed6cb7 reverted version to 1.2.1 2023-10-04T01:51:20+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.3.0 PyPCAPKit v1.3.0 2023-10-04T15:55:50+00:00 - 27c87449 bumped version to 1.3.0 - 680f84d4 revised Protocol metaclass - 20d5c95e revised metaclass attributes/properties & updated docs - 7f42b022 revised Reassembly metaclass - 82086996 bugfix for engine integration upon metaclass changes - deee6b13 revised TraceFlow metaclass - fefab8dd revised name/module for Engine as in metaclass - bf2b2e7f revised AppType - 4f49ba03 Merge branch 'main' of - 7a146873 revised Vendor metaclass - 800bd599 Bumped version to 1.2.2.post2 - c3a79e78 revised Field metaclass - 1b638cc8 renamed _Engine as EngineBase - ce4752ad revised Engine metaclass - 3a64424d revised sphinx-doc config - 516d976f clean up for docs - c533ee7b revised registry funcs for general compatibility - 6ff2add2 integrated ModuleDescriptor to Internet protocol registry - f88eed96 make isort - 03e60f3f integrated ModuleDescriptor to TraceFlow dumper registry - 90d06146 Bumped build to 1 - ad17f1d1 make isort - 2bf27bb7 revised beholder decorator to add error logging on devmode and verbose mode - cdcee657 integrated ModuleDescriptor into registries - 4481fa23 added version property to VersionInfo & revised __str__ - 0ad8fb30 implemented ModuleDescriptor namedtuple for holding import info - 120f372c Bumped version to 1.2.2.post1 - 74fcbfa0 Bumped build to 2 - 5f05407d Bumped build to 1 - 7be0396b Update furo from 2023.8.19 to 2023.9.10 (#165) - 21f81bcb Bump furo from 2023.8.19 to 2023.9.10 (#164) - f9558935 bumped version to 1.2.2 - 4f3e2f5c bugfix for #166 - 3067cd29 Bumped version to 1.2.1.post3 - 90baed0f Update sphinx from 7.2.4 to 7.2.5 (#163) - e4037f4d Bump sphinx from 7.2.4 to 7.2.5 (#162) - 292aae09 Bump soupsieve from 2.4.1 to 2.5 (#161) - b9e64586 Bumped version to 1.2.1.post2 - a6fe49ec Bump sphinx from 7.2.2 to 7.2.4 (#160) - 1fab5d31 Bumped version to 1.2.1.post1 - 77952705 trigger workflow - 8be283db Bumped build to 1 - 152351aa Merge branch 'main' of - f62a69ff trigger conda release - abd818e9 Scheduled weekly dependency update for week 34 (#159) - 9f5abce6 Bump sphinx from 7.1.2 to 7.2.2 (#158) - 0f9a163e Bump furo from 2023.7.26 to 2023.8.19 (#157) - 61ed6cb7 reverted version to 1.2.1 2023-10-04T15:55:50+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.3.1.dev0 PyPCAPKit v1.3.1.dev0 2023-10-09T02:56:22+00:00 - d349d4ef bumped version to 1.3.1.dev0 - 663fbb54 revising documentations - 3556d392 revising documenations - 7bafd61a renamed register_port as register_apptype - 21691a71 signup sphinx autobuild - 9c21cb19 Merge branch 'main' of - 5e00285d type check - 7a413c32 Scheduled weekly dependency update for week 40 (#171) - 6acc5700 Bump typing-extensions from 4.7.1 to 4.8.0 (#167) - 27c87449 bumped version to 1.3.0 - 680f84d4 revised Protocol metaclass - 20d5c95e revised metaclass attributes/properties & updated docs - 7f42b022 revised Reassembly metaclass - 82086996 bugfix for engine integration upon metaclass changes - deee6b13 revised TraceFlow metaclass - fefab8dd revised name/module for Engine as in metaclass - bf2b2e7f revised AppType - 4f49ba03 Merge branch 'main' of - 7a146873 revised Vendor metaclass 2023-10-09T02:56:22+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.3.1.dev1 PyPCAPKit v1.3.1.dev1 2023-10-21T10:11:53+00:00 2023-10-21T10:11:53+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.3.1.dev2 PyPCAPKit v1.3.1.dev2 2023-10-28T10:11:37+00:00 2023-10-28T10:11:37+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.3.1.dev3 PyPCAPKit v1.3.1.dev3 2023-11-11T10:06:49+00:00 - 26f8e020 Bumped version to 1.3.1.dev3 - b6bf6b61 Merge branch 'main' of - e28e50b5 added docs deps - 255236b3 revised documentations for protocols module - 15b84e8a Update sphinxext-opengraph from 0.8.2 to 0.9.0 - 63424b57 Bumped build to 1 - 655dd273 Bumped version to 1.3.1.dev2 - 928ffdbc Bumped build to 1 - cd656930 working on protocols documentation revision 2023-11-11T10:06:49+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.3.1.dev4 PyPCAPKit v1.3.1.dev4 2023-11-17T00:39:07+00:00 2023-11-17T00:39:07+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.3.1.dev5 PyPCAPKit v1.3.1.dev5 2023-12-09T10:12:58+00:00 - ef5d2024 Bumped version to 1.3.1.dev5 - 326ed1f6 Bumped build to 4 - 6ab9ccdf Bumped build to 3 - 19c1fbbc Bumped build to 2 - da0b0623 Bumped build to 1 - 8c9053ae Update sphinx-autodoc-typehints from 1.24.0 to 1.25.2 (#178) - 034aec55 Bumped version to 1.3.1.dev4 - 76f33a8f Bump urllib3 from 2.0.7 to 2.1.0 (#177) 2023-12-09T10:12:58+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.3.1 PyPCAPKit v1.3.1 2023-12-22T02:38:14+00:00 2023-12-22T02:38:14+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.3.1.post1 PyPCAPKit v1.3.1.post1 2023-12-30T10:11:41+00:00 2023-12-30T10:11:41+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.3.1.post2 PyPCAPKit v1.3.1.post2 2024-01-06T10:11:32+00:00 2024-01-06T10:11:32+00:00 PyPCAPKit v1.3.1.post3 PyPCAPKit v1.3.1.post3 2024-01-13T10:11:38+00:00 - 4bcf604a Bumped version to 1.3.1.post3 - 64d0d235 Bumped build to 1 - 98c7406f Bumped version to 1.3.1.post2 - c970703f Bumped build to 1 2024-01-13T10:11:38+00:00