Recent releases for TheHive4py 2024-04-24T04:21:49.081091+00:00 python-feedgen TheHive4py 1.3.1 TheHive4py 1.3.1 2017-12-04T13:26:54+00:00 ## [1.3.1]( (2017-09-17) [Full Changelog]( **Fixed bugs:** - Basic auth doesn't work with version 1.3.0 [\#38]( 2017-12-04T13:26:54+00:00 TheHive4py 1.3.0 TheHive4py 1.3.0 2017-12-04T13:27:19+00:00 ## [1.3.0]( (2017-09-15) [Full Changelog]( **Implemented enhancements:** - Allow specifying range to return \> 10 cases, observables, etc., [\#30]( - fix two cases of bad indentation in exception handling code [\#26]( ([Rolinh]( - fix default severity level of an alert [\#25]( ([Rolinh]( **Fixed bugs:** - certificate verify option not included in create\_case\_task [\#27]( **Closed issues:** - Add an API method to create users [\#33]( - Feature Request - Task Log Template/Boilerplate Text [\#32]( - Add support to authentication by API key [\#36]( - Add a find\_alerts method to search for alerts [\#31]( **Merged pull requests:** - Added verify parameter to calls [\#28]( ([billmurrin]( 2017-12-04T13:27:19+00:00 TheHive4py 1.2.3 TheHive4py 1.2.3 2017-12-04T13:27:37+00:00 ## [1.2.3]( (2017-07-20) [Full Changelog]( **Implemented enhancements:** - Adding option for an Internal CA [\#24]( **Merged pull requests:** - Find first [\#23]( ([3c7]( 2017-12-04T13:27:37+00:00 TheHive4py 1.2.2 TheHive4py 1.2.2 2017-12-04T13:27:54+00:00 ## [1.2.2]( (2017-07-06) [Full Changelog]( **Fixed bugs:** - Remove print calls from TheHiveApi.find\_cases method [\#22]( 2017-12-04T13:27:54+00:00 TheHive4py 1.2.1 TheHive4py 1.2.1 2017-12-04T13:28:10+00:00 ## [1.2.1]( (2017-06-29) [Full Changelog]( **Fixed bugs:** - Fix the issue related to wrong base64 decoding when creating alerts [\#20]( - python-magic dependency not in [\#19]( - "future" dependency not documented in requirements.txt [\#18]( **Merged pull requests:** - Install python-magic package on setup [\#16]( ([ilyaglow]( 2017-12-04T13:28:10+00:00 TheHive4py 1.2.0 TheHive4py 1.2.0 2017-12-04T13:29:01+00:00 ## [1.2.0]( (2017-05-12) [Full Changelog]( **Closed issues:** - Add the ability to create a TheHive alert [\#13]( **Merged pull requests:** - Added ability to find tasks by caseId [\#11]( ([AverageS]( 2017-12-04T13:29:01+00:00 TheHive4py 1.1.1 TheHive4py 1.1.1 2017-12-04T13:30:34+00:00 ## [1.1.1]( (2017-05-11) [Full Changelog]( **Fixed bugs:** - Use basic auth when calling TheHive apis [\#14]( 2017-12-04T13:30:34+00:00 TheHive4py 1.1.0 TheHive4py 1.1.0 2017-12-04T13:30:53+00:00 ## [1.1.0]( (2017-03-23) [Full Changelog]( **Implemented enhancements:** - Search for cases [\#4]( - Add observables to a case [\#3]( 2017-12-04T13:30:53+00:00 TheHive4py 1.0.1 TheHive4py 1.0.1 2017-12-04T13:31:08+00:00 ## [1.0.1]( (2017-03-08) [Full Changelog]( **Fixed bugs:** - Issue creating a cases without metrics and without case template [\#8]( 2017-12-04T13:31:08+00:00 TheHive4py 1.0.0 TheHive4py 1.0.0 2017-12-04T13:31:28+00:00 ## [1.0.0]( (2017-03-08) **Closed issues:** - 2nd typo in [\#2]( - Typo in [\#1]( 2017-12-04T13:31:28+00:00 TheHive4py 1.4.0 TheHive4py 1.4.0 2017-12-05T13:53:29+00:00 [Full Changelog]( **Implemented enhancements:** - Provide just the template name when creating a case from a template [\#45]( - Add support of custom fields to the case model [\#39]( - Case helper [\#37]( ([npratley]( **Fixed bugs:** - Error updating case [\#51]( **Closed issues:** - Add a query builder capabilities [\#49]( - Run Cortex analyzer through api [\#40]( - Update case [\#5]( **Merged pull requests:** - Added missing attributes to the Case class. [\#50]( ([npratley]( - Added the functionality to run a Cortex analyzer on an observable [\#44]( ([alexgoedeke]( - Added get\_task\_logs method [\#42]( ([billmurrin]( - Added a method to update a case. [\#41]( ([npratley]( 2017-12-05T13:53:29+00:00 TheHive4py 1.4.1 TheHive4py 1.4.1 2017-12-19T09:45:13+00:00 ## [1.4.1]( [Full Changelog]( **Merged pull requests:** - fix get\_case\_observables method [\#53]( ([billmurrin]( 2017-12-19T09:45:13+00:00 TheHive4py 1.4.2 TheHive4py 1.4.2 2017-12-27T10:24:36+00:00 ## [1.4.2]( (2017-12-27) [1.4.2]( **Implemented enhancements:** - Raise custom exceptions from api methods instead of calling sys.exit [\#55]( **Merged pull requests:** - Add Sighted Support to the Observable Model [\#54]( ([billmurrin]( 2017-12-27T10:24:36+00:00 TheHive4py 1.4.3 TheHive4py 1.4.3 2018-02-07T13:32:06+00:00 ## [1.4.3]( [Full Changelog]( **Implemented enhancements:** - add update\_alert to allow updating an alert [\#61]( ([Rolinh]( **Fixed bugs:** - How to close a case via API [\#67]( - CustomFields are not updated in update\_case [\#66]( - Correction in update\_case usage [\#57]( **Merged pull requests:** - created get\_linked\_cases method in api [\#60]( ([billmurrin]( - fix spelling of exception [\#58]( ([billmurrin]( 2018-02-07T13:32:06+00:00 TheHive4py 1.5.0 TheHive4py 1.5.0 2018-09-25T11:06:11+00:00 [Full Changelog]( **Closed issues:** - Add a simple template search method [\#83]( - Max recursion depth exceeded error [\#82]( **Merged pull requests:** - Feature/promote alert to case [\#86]( ([uplateandonline]( - Feature/search templates [\#84]( ([uplateandonline]( - Prevent max recursion depth exceeded error [\#80]( ([Psynbiotik]( - added search support for tasks [\#79]( ([neok0]( 2018-09-25T11:06:11+00:00 TheHive4py 1.5.1 TheHive4py 1.5.1 2018-10-12T09:24:40+00:00 [Full Changelog]( **Implemented enhancements:** - Add customFields to Alert [\#87]( ([zpriddy]( 2018-10-12T09:24:40+00:00 TheHive4py 1.5.2 TheHive4py 1.5.2 2020-05-29T10:05:11+00:00 ## [1.5.2]( (2018-11-12) [Full Changelog]( **Fixed bugs:** - Support task-groups for tasks \(e.g. creation of Cases\) [\#91]( **Closed issues:** - Unknown attribute alert.customFields when creating alert in version 1.5.1 [\#88]( **Merged pull requests:** - support for task group names [\#92]( ([crackytsi]( 2020-05-29T10:05:11+00:00 TheHive4py 1.5.3 TheHive4py 1.5.3 2020-05-29T10:05:28+00:00 ## [1.5.3]( (2018-11-16) [Full Changelog]( **Fixed bugs:** - Unable to close case as TruePositive WithImpact [\#93]( 2020-05-29T10:05:28+00:00 TheHive4py 1.6.0 TheHive4py 1.6.0 2020-05-29T10:05:45+00:00 ## [1.6.0]( (2018-12-17) [Full Changelog]( **Merged pull requests:** - Implement some more functions [\#96]( ([jojoob]( - Create new sample [\#95]( ([david-burkett]( - Update observable [\#94]( ([joseluratm]( 2020-05-29T10:05:45+00:00 TheHive4py 1.7.0 TheHive4py 1.7.0 2020-05-29T10:50:12+00:00 ## [1.7.0]( (2020-05-29) [Full Changelog]( **Implemented enhancements:** - Add custom field support for new types [\#152]( - Return type is not correctly filled [\#150]( - Models Case and CaseTemplate don't have PAP attribute [\#127]( - Improve jsonify function to allow excluding attributes [\#125]( **Fixed bugs:** - Add support to datetime for "date" CustomFields [\#138]( - Update alert using 'fields' is not working [\#130]( - Models should have the attribute 'id' [\#120]( - promote\_alert\_to\_case\(\) doesn't apply caseTemplate [\#114]( - PAP flag missing when creating a case from a retrieved Case object [\#111]( - Specify an optional case template parameter to promote\_alert\_to\_case [\#115]( ([agix]( **Closed issues:** - Add support to like and wildcard operators [\#149]( - FR: Get "task name" in an "case\_task\_log" event [\#148]( - Create case with the hive 4 rc1 [\#144]( - Is TheHive4py still alive? [\#141]( - Add ioc and sighted attributes to case and alert artifacts [\#126]( - support for case template deletion/creation [\#124]( - Create update\_case\_observable [\#121]( - Example python create case with observables [\#113]( - Alert create error: \('Connection aborted.', error\(104, 'Connection reset by peer'\) [\#109]( - Requesting analyzer report from cortex with thehive4py [\#107]( **Merged pull requests:** - Add support for case delete, creating custom fields and create case templates [\#146]( ([aurelienhess]( - Support for json datetime [\#139]( ([ehooo]( - Added IDs in all models [\#123]( ([mgabriel-silva]( - Added update\_case\_observable [\#122]( ([mgabriel-silva]( - Added support for custom owner on Case creation [\#118]( ([victorvillar]( 2020-05-29T10:50:12+00:00 TheHive4py 1.7.1 TheHive4py 1.7.1 2020-06-04T15:57:34+00:00 ## [1.7.1]( (2020-06-04) [Full Changelog]( **Fixed bugs:** - Not able to create Case Observable [\#162]( **Merged pull requests:** - Add id for case template [\#140]( ([golaso]( 2020-06-04T15:57:34+00:00 TheHive4py 1.7.2 TheHive4py 1.7.2 2020-06-24T10:06:58+00:00 ## [1.7.2]( (2020-06-24) [Full Changelog]( **Fixed bugs:** - Fix the constructor of TheHiveApi class [\#170]( - NameError: name 'requests' is not defined [\#163]( **Merged pull requests:** - Importing requests module [\#168]( ([gaglimax]( 2020-06-24T10:06:58+00:00 TheHive4py 1.8.0 TheHive4py 1.8.0 2020-11-27T13:50:06+00:00 **Fixed bugs:** - \[Bug\] With TheHive 4.0.1 thehive4py api.get\_case\_observables\(\) fails [\#198]( - Error updating alert artifact [\#195]( - typo error on line 658 [\#173]( - Documentation mismatch on function return [\#165]( - Fix exception handling for merge\_alert\_into\_case [\#203]( ([haam3r]( - Issue \#173: corrected typo 'custom\_field.madatory' to 'custom\_field.mandatory' [\#188]( ([fwalloe]( **Closed issues:** - Add attachment download support [\#204]( - Add method to merge an alert into a case [\#197]( - Add support to ignoreSimilarity attribute [\#194]( - Query ContainsString not working [\#193]( - Missing function delete\_case\_task [\#190]( - \[Bug\] Get\_Case\_Template broken in TheHive 4 [\#183]( - \[Bug\] Cannot create Case Observable on TheHive4 despite manageObservable Permission [\#179]( - Add support to alert.externalLink attribute [\#169]( - Create enumerations for enumerated data [\#161]( - Add find\_task\_logs function [\#160]( - Add PAP field to alert [\#159]( - Add find\_observables method [\#157]( - Querying for Cases that Contain Substring in Custom Field [\#128]( - FR: Download file from task log [\#112]( - Allow file observable creation from memory [\#35]( **Merged pull requests:** - Get case observable function [\#206]( ([jeffrey-e]( - Add method to delete alert [\#202]( ([haam3r]( - Make get\_task\_logs\(\) use 'api/case/task/log/\_search/' [\#200]( ([jnahorny]( - Fixed typo in explanation part of some functions in [\#199]( ([fwalloe]( - Use dict key lookup instead of hasattr [\#196]( ([Kamforka]( - Implement case task deletion via patch request [\#191]( ([gelim]( - Add delete\_case\_observable method to api [\#189]( ([p-tekh]( - Added MISP export functionality [\#187]( ([emalderson]( - Adding externalLink to Alert model [\#181]( ([milesflo]( - Get alert with similarities [\#172]( ([dainok]( - Add find\_observables [\#171]( ([dainok]( - Fix documentation mismatch on api.find\_first TheHive-Project/TheHive4py\#165 [\#166]( ([haam3r]( - Merge alert to case [\#164]( ([haam3r]( - Pass in file-like objects for case observables [\#135]( ([jaredjennings]( 2020-11-27T13:50:06+00:00 TheHive4py 1.8.1 TheHive4py 1.8.1 2021-01-13T07:29:17+00:00 **Fixed bugs:** - \[BUG\] Unable to create Alert [\#207]( **Closed issues:** - \[Feature Request\] Add alert artifact methods, for TheHive 4 only [\#208]( 2021-01-13T07:29:17+00:00 TheHive4py 2.0.0b0 TheHive4py 2.0.0b0 2022-08-05T14:55:07+00:00 ## What's Changed * Update for 5.0.1 by @vdebergue in * added case.set_share by @migueldo in ## New Contributors * @vdebergue made their first contribution in * @migueldo made their first contribution in **Full Changelog**: 2022-08-05T14:55:07+00:00 TheHive4py 2.0.0b1 TheHive4py 2.0.0b1 2022-08-05T14:55:32+00:00 ## What's Changed * #250 - Implement list comment methods for alerts and cases by @Kamforka in **Full Changelog**: 2022-08-05T14:55:32+00:00 TheHive4py 2.0.0b2 TheHive4py 2.0.0b2 2022-08-20T10:19:46+00:00 ## What's Changed * #250 - Implement list comment methods for alerts and cases by @Kamforka in * [fr] ability to manage multi valued customfields by @Kamforka in **Full Changelog**: [2.0.0b1..2.0.0b2]( 2022-08-20T10:19:46+00:00 TheHive4py 2.0.0b3 TheHive4py 2.0.0b3 2022-10-24T17:30:02+00:00 ## [2.0.0b3]( (2022-10-24) [Full Changelog]( **Closed issues:** - Use between with 2 dates [\#257]( - JSONDecodeError not caught correctly when using AWS Lambda [\#255]( - thehive4py==1.8.1 Code Erroe [\#254]( **Merged pull requests:** - Set InputAlert's date property as optional [\#260]( ([Kamforka]( - Use json.loads instead of relying on requests' json method [\#259]( ([Kamforka]( - Persist error response data in TheHiveError [\#258]( ([Kamforka]( 2022-10-24T17:30:02+00:00 TheHive4py 2.0.0b4 TheHive4py 2.0.0b4 2023-01-20T12:49:11+00:00 ## [2.0.0b4]( (2023-01-20) [Full Changelog]( **Closed issues:** - Add case and alert TTPs operations [\#268]( - How to perform a bulk-insert of observables [\#263]( **Merged pull requests:** - add py.typed to the project to please mypy and make the library PEP-561 compliant [\#272]( ([Kamforka]( - 268 add case and alert ttps operations [\#271]( ([Kamforka]( - Test observable attachment download [\#270]( ([Kamforka]( - Add parameters to method alert.promote\_to\_case\(\) [\#269]( ([vdebergue]( - Update [\#267]( ([ater49]( - Download an attachment from an observable [\#266]( ([mike1796]( - Create local ci commands for devs [\#265]( ([Kamforka]( - Add observableType endpoints [\#264]( ([Black-Pearl25]( - Migrate to pyproject.toml [\#262]( ([Kamforka]( - Add basic ci workflow [\#261]( ([Kamforka]( 2023-01-20T12:49:11+00:00 TheHive4py 2.0.0b5 TheHive4py 2.0.0b5 2023-10-13T15:48:44+00:00 ## What's Changed Merged Pull Requests * Delete unused by @Kamforka in * Actualize main with develop by @Kamforka in * Enhance readme by @Kamforka in * Add deployment workflow by @Kamforka in * Update important note and add query examples by @Kamforka in * Change to MIT license by @Kamforka in * Get rid of setup.cfg by @Kamforka in * Fix and update filters by @Kamforka in * Bump thehive4py-integrator to v5.2.5 by @Kamforka in **Full Changelog**: 2023-10-13T15:48:44+00:00