Recent releases for ursadb 2024-05-07T16:33:05.935706+00:00 python-feedgen ursadb v1.0 ursadb v1.0 2019-01-11T23:17:56+00:00 Initial stable release. 2019-01-11T23:17:56+00:00 ursadb v1.2.0 ursadb v1.2.0 2020-03-31T22:28:59+00:00 v1.2.0 2020-03-31T22:28:59+00:00 ursadb v1.3.0 ursadb v1.3.0 2020-04-12T23:33:15+00:00 ### New features #### Taints Dataset tainting. Datasets with incompatible taints will never get merged. - New command: `dataset "xxx" taint "yyy"` - adds taint `yyy` to `xxx`. - New command: `dataset "xxx" untaint "yyy"` - removes taint `yyy` from `xxx`. - New construct: `select with taints ["xxx"] "stuff"` - select that only looks in datasets with specified tags. #### Iterators Huge memory saver for large results. Store query results on disk, instead of dumping them with json to the client. - New command `select into iterator "stuff"` - select that returns iterator. - New command `iterator "itername" pop 123` - pops element from the specified iterator. ### Performance - Enable IPO for release builds. ### Internals - New lock modes - new coordinator command to lock iterator. - Rewrite logging to spdlog, instead of using std::cout like savages. ### Code quality, tests and CI - New target `format` added to CMakeLists. `make format` will reformat the whole code. We also reformatted our code to match new style. - DatabaseName introduced, code expected to be slowly rewritten to use it. - We now run clang-format after every commit in our CI pipeline. - Run `make build` and unit tests after every build in the CI. - Build the docker image automatically in our CI pipeline. - Create a automatic pipeline for building deb packages. - Refactor cmake lists, and revamp the project sructure. - Use std::thread instead of raw pthread in the network service code. 2020-04-12T23:33:15+00:00 ursadb v1.3.1 ursadb v1.3.1 2020-04-14T00:22:21+00:00 ### New features #### Native client Built-in command line client `ursacli`. - Interactive mode/single command mode - Task progress is reported every second - Very basic output processing 2020-04-14T00:22:21+00:00 ursadb v1.3.2 ursadb v1.3.2 2020-04-14T23:44:53+00:00 ### Bugfixes * Improved stability of `ursacli`. ### New features #### Native client In `ursacli` console client: - Introduced `-c` (command), `-q` (non-interactive mode) and `-j` (always output raw JSON) command line switches. - Better result printing for `select` query results. 2020-04-14T23:44:53+00:00 ursadb v1.4.0 ursadb v1.4.0 2021-12-14T01:19:06+00:00 Release refs/tags/v1.4.0 2021-12-14T01:19:06+00:00 ursadb v1.4.1 ursadb v1.4.1 2021-12-14T01:19:14+00:00 Release refs/tags/v1.4.1 2021-12-14T01:19:14+00:00 ursadb v1.5.0 ursadb v1.5.0 2022-08-29T16:39:10+00:00 Features: - Alternatives (like {(41 | 42)}) implemented in the ursadb query syntax (#65) - Better support for wildcards (#23) - Syntax for indexing with taints (#31) Performance: - Query graph pruning (#67) Correctness: - Some improvements for thread safety (#32) Refactoring and maintenance: - Ursacli rewritten to C++ (#48) - Documentation improvements (#33) 2022-08-29T16:39:10+00:00 ursadb v1.5.1 ursadb v1.5.1 2023-01-11T00:36:08+00:00 Mostly bugfix and maintenance release: Features: - Implement GC for iterators - remove stale iterators (#208) Performance: - Move away from query graphs to query plans (#191) - And improve their performance (#194) Correctness: - Fix Undefined Behaviour when getting a memory map size (#188) - Add support for 2gb+ iterators (fix signed i32 overflow) (#202) Refactoring and maintenance: - Bump catch v2.2.2 -> v2.13.10 (#192) - Disable clang-tidy, which has become very noisy (#193) - Add performabce counters for unique ngram reads (#199) - Remove dead code accrued over the years (#200) 2023-01-11T00:36:08+00:00